News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Senator Murray Secures Funding for Southeast Washington Transportation Priorities

Funding will help address the transportation crisis in Southeast Washington

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, July 24, 2002

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Chair of the Senate Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee, announced today that she has secured important federal funding for Southeast Washington's transportation projects in the fiscal year 2003 transportation spending bill.

The funding will address critical infrastructure needs throughout the region, including bridges, busses, airports and transit facilities.

In addition to the earmarked funding, Washington state will also receive hundreds of millions of dollars in federal highway and transit formula funding. Washington state will receive $510 million in Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) grants and $101 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grants to address transportation issues across the state.

"I am proud to have helped direct federal funding to Southeast Washington and Washington state in this year's transportation bill," Senator Murray said. "Our region's economy is facing tough times and we must do all that we can to keep jobs and business in Southeast Washington. This increased funding will help ease congestion and increase public safety, and will go a long way to diversifying business and increasing economic prosperity for the region."

Transportation earmarks for Southeast Washington:

US Highway 12, Burbank to Walla Walla - $2.5 million
US Highway 12, from Burbank to Walla Walla is a heavily traveled two-lane highway with average daily traffic counts up to 12,000 vehicles per day, with nearly a third of it being freight trucks. This money will help fund Phase II of this multi-phase project. Specifically, it will build a railroad bridge over the highway to allow for the building of a four-lane highway.

Small Bus Systems Grant - Pullman Transit - $1.18 million
Ths funding will replace five 35-foot buses. Replacing these vehicles with new models is critical to reducing emissions and pollutants and increasing safety.

Port of Garfield Road and Bridge Project (Garfield County) - $500,000
The project will create a new access road and a bridge that would join Highway 12 to the Port of Garfield's industrial site. The project will give the port the opportunity to develop the only industrial site in Garfield County while helping to diversify the county's economic base. The project will also help ease commercial truck traffic through residential areas. This funding will complete the project.
