Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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Press Releases of the Chairman

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Press Releases View by Month & Year
December 2004
December 22 - Collins, Lieberman Release GAO Report On Implementation of the E-Government Act

December 17 - Senators Collins & Lieberman Celebrate Signing of Intelligence Reform Legislation

December 16 - Lieberman, Dodd Question DHS Decision Not To Renew New Haven Urban Area Security Initiative Grant

December 8 - Collins-Lieberman Intelligence Reform Bill Passes Senate, Sent to President Bush

December 7 - Intelligence Reform Legislation Conference Report

December 6 - Collins-Lieberman Statement On White House Letter Regarding Intelligence Reform Legislation

December 6 - Collins-Lieberman Statement Regarding Tentative Agreement On Intelligence Reform Legislation

December 4 - Senators Collins and Lieberman Release Statement Reacting to President's Weekly Radio Address

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
November 2004
November 30 - Senators Collins, Lieberman Release Statement on Status of Intelligence Reform Legislation

November 20 - Senators Collins and Lieberman On Intelligence Reform Legislation

November 8 - Senate Intelligence Reform Conferees Present New Compromise Offer To House Negotiators

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
October 2004
October 27 - Statement of the Principal Conferees for the Intelligence Reform Bill

October 25 - Senators Collins and Lieberman Statement Following 9/11 Commissioners Press Conference

October 24 - Senate Offers Counter Proposal To House

October 14 - Senators Collins & Lieberman Meet With 9/11 Families Today On Capitol Hill

October 6 - 9-11 Commission Recommendations Included In Intelligence Reform Legislation

October 6 - Senate Victory For Intelligence Reform

October 4 - Senate Approves Collins-Lieberman-Carper Amendment To Ensure Support For State Preparedness Efforts

October 4 - Senators Collins, Lieberman, McCain Work Toward Final Passage of Intelligence Reform Legislation This Week

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
September 2004
September 28 - 9/11 Commissioners, 9/11 Families, White House & House Intel Leaders Support Collins-Lieberman Intelligence Reform Legislation

September 27 - Debate Begins on Historic, Bipartisan Intelligence Reform Legislation

September 22 - Senate Panel Unanimously Approves Collins-Lieberman Intelligence Reform Bill

September 21 - Senator Lieberman's Statement on Intelligence Reform Bill

September 21 - Senate Panel Takes Up Collins-Lieberman Intelligence Reform Legislation

September 15 - Senators Collins, Lieberman Unveil Intelligence Reform Legislation

September 13 - Senators Collins, Lieberman Hear Testimony From Secretaries Ridge, Powell at Governmental Affairs Hearing

September 9 - Postal, Public Health Officials Misunderstood Anthrax

September 9 - Lieberman Hails Vote Against Outsourcing DHS Immigration Jobs

September 8 - Lieberman Underscores Need to Act on 9/11 Commission Recommendations

September 7 - Senators Introduce Measure To Implement 9-11 Commission Recommendations

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
August 2004
August 27 - Senators Collins & Lieberman Statement On White House Executive Orders

August 27 - Senators Collins & Lieberman Receive Intelligence Reform Suggestions From Senator Rockefeller

August 23 - Collins, Lieberman Welcome Recommendations Regarding 9/11 Report

August 17 - Lieberman Says 9/11 Families Needed More Than Ever

August 16 - Lieberman Calls For Accountability, Authority in Consideration of NID Proposal

August 5 - Collins, Lieberman Request Input From Colleagues In Crafting Intelligence Reorganization Legislation

August 3 - Lieberman Calls for Accountability in Implementation of 9/11 Commission Recommendations

August 2 - Lieberman Encouraged by Bush Embrace of NID and NCTC

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
July 2004
July 31 - Lieberman Calls for Implementation of 9/11 Commission Recommendations

July 29 - Senators Promise Continued Oversight of Energy Efficiency

July 23 - Collins, Lieberman Announce Hearings, Plans to Implement September 11th Commission Findings

July 22 - Senators Unify Behind 9-11 Commission Recommendations

July 21 - Lieberman Calls For Better Homeland Security Strategy

July 21 - Senators Seek Funds For Interoperability

July 14 - FERC Failed To Examine Tapes of Energy Market Manipulations In Investigation of Enron Trading Practices

July 8 - Sens. Collins and Lieberman Say Failed Computer Program Contract Wasted $36 Million in Federal Retirement Funds

July 1 - Lieberman Raps DHS For Failure To Protect Its Wireless Networks

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
June 2004
June 28 - Rail Crossing Deaths Down to 300 Annually

June 23 - Sensitive Passenger Data from at Least 8 Airlines and Services Provided to Companies Working With TSA

June 21 - Faulty Science Could Affect Florida Panther Population

June 15 - Immigration Officials Opposed DHS Plan to Subject Immigration Functions to Possible Privatization

June 15 - Lieberman Questions Why Progress to Stem Flow of Money To Terror Groups Has Not Been More Successful

June 8 - Airports Still Unsafe

June 3 - Lieberman Bill Protects Interests Of Small Investors

June 2 - Lieberman Wins Limits on Excessive Discounts to Private Mailers

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
May 2004
May 25 - Lieberman: Level The Playing Field For Small Investors

May 19 - Lieberman Objects to Proposed Personnel Management Redesign at DHS

May 18 - Lieberman Wants Free Flow of Emergency Response Information

May 12 - Lieberman Presses for Flight Attendant Security Training

May 7 - Lieberman Cites Lack of Bioterror Preparedness

May 5 - Lieberman Questions EPA On Apparent TVA Clean Air Violations

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
April 2004
April 29 - Interior Secretary Fails To Address Ethical Lapses Cited By Investigation Into Steven Griles

April 20 - Lieberman: Stop Abuse of Stock Options

April 14 - Senators Collins, Lieberman Ask TSA: What Other Airlines Have Been Contacted and Asked for Passenger Information?

April 5 - Lieberman Questions Interior Department Process for Resolving Land Claims on Federal Properties

April 1 - Lieberman Says $14 Billion More for Homeland Security Would Begin to Meet Needs Assessed By Bi-Partisan, Independent Analysts

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
March 2004
March 26 - Senators Collins, Lieberman Introduce Bill to Ensure Future of Emergency Food and Shelter Assistance Program

March 24 - IG Confirms Widespread DHS Funding, Planning Gaps

March 23 - Lieberman, Durbin Seek Withdrawal of Peer Review Proposal That Thwarts Protective Regulation

March 19 - Administration Has Few Cyber Security Accomplishments Lack of Leadership cited for Failure to Protect Critical Cyber Infrastructure

March 16 - Foxes Guarding the Foxes -Again

March 11 - Administration Budget Fails to Address Security Threats

March 10 - Lieberman Seeks To Help Close Homeland Security Gaps

March 10 - Senators Say Government Performance and Results Act Implementation Faces Significant Challenges

March 9 - Lieberman: OMB Report Out Today Demonstrates Success Of E-Gov Act

March 2 - Lieberman Says We’ve Come A Long Way; Have A Long Way To Go Before Securing the Safety of the American People

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
February 2004
February 27 - Lieberman Stands For 9-11 Families, Complete Investigation Of Most Horrific Attack In US History

February 27 - Nation Is Safer But Not Safe Enough

February 27 - Collins, Lieberman Urge Budget Committee to Fund Key Coast Guard Project

February 25 - Lieberman Says It Would Be Counterproductive To Deny The 9-11 Commission An Extension

February 25 - Administration Delays Watch List Consolidation Again

February 24 - Lieberman Calls for $14 Billion More For Homeland Security to Meet Needs Assessed By Bi-Partisan, Independent Analysts

February 20 - Senators Collins, Lieberman Comment on TSA’s Involvement in Obtaining Sensitive Airline Passenger Information

February 13 - Senators Call on TSA to Explain Its Role in Obtaining Sensitive Airline Passenger Information

February 9 - Lieberman Hearing Statement on FY 05 Department of Homeland Security Budget

February 4 - Senate Approves Collins, Lieberman Bill to Provide Cutting Edge Counterterrorism Equipment to Communities

February 2 - Lieberman Dumfounded By Dramatic First Responder Cuts

February 2 - Lieberman, McCain Call For 9-11 Commission Extension To Ensure As Thorough Investigation As Possible

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
January 2004
January 27 - Lieberman Supports Commission Extension

January 26 - Lawmakers Seek GAO Investigation Of Plame Leak

January 23 - American Taxpayers Bilked For $6 Million In Halliburton Bribes

January 23 - Homeland Security 2004 Top Ten To-Do List

January 22 - Lawmakers Query High Court On Ethics of Scalia Vacation With Cheney

January 16 - Lawmakers Concerned About Possible Criminal Nature of Halliburton Overcharges

January 14 - Lieberman Asks for Stricter Rules Against Mutual Funds Conflicts of Interest

January 14 - Lieberman Agrees with Pentagon Auditors

January 6 - Taxpayer Interests Rank Below Halliburton's Bottom Line; Lieberman Calls Army Corps Ruling “Indefensible

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510