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June 30, 2006  
Request GAO Assistance with Proposals
Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME) and Ranking Member Joe Lieberman (D-CT) today sent a letter to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting its assistance in further addressing the massive waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars that took place during the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina.

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs utilized the expertise of GAO’s Forensic Audit and Special Investigations Unit (FSI) throughout its eight-month investigation into Hurricane Katrina, which culminated recently with legislation introduced to reform our federal emergency response system. FSI’s findings played a critical role in the initial recommendations put forth by the committee, and in keeping with this established relationship, Collins and Lieberman have requested that FSI continue working with the committee as it develops proposals to prevent the fraud witnessed in Hurricane Katrina from occurring in future disasters.

The text of the letter is provided below:

June 30, 2006

The Honorable David M. Walker
Comptroller General of the United States
U.S. Government Accountability Office
441 G Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20548

Dear Comptroller General Walker:

The investigative work of our Committee and of GAO’s FSI unit has uncovered massive and unacceptable fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. We wrote to you on October 7, 2005, and requested that FSI perform forensic audits and special investigations of the government purchase card program, FEMA disbursements under the Individuals and Households Program (IHP), and contracts for activities at a high risk of fraud and abuse. FSI’s work on these matters has been outstanding and has added greatly to the investigations conducted by our Committee.

On February 13, 2006, GAO testified before this Committee on its results from audits and related investigations of expedited assistance provided under the IHP. These findings were followed by testimony at a June 14, 2006, hearing before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Investigations and estimated that through February 2006, FEMA made about $1 billion in improper and potentially fraudulent payments. GAO also found that millions of dollars in payments were paid in the name of individuals incarcerated in prisons.

Our Committee is working on legislation to strengthen the nation’s emergency management preparedness and response capabilities. As part of this undertaking, we are exploring options to help meet the dual objectives of ensuring that appropriate assistance is provided as quickly as possible to millions of individuals affected by a disaster, while also ensuring that assistance is provided in a manner that safeguards taxpayer dollars from waste, fraud and abuse. Based on the breadth of work that GAO has conducted to investigate and identify problems that arose in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we request that GAO work with the Committee on recommendations for changes that could help prevent waste, fraud and abuse in the wake of future disasters. As an initial matter, we request that representatives of FSI meet with our staffs to chart a course for our collaborative work on this important matter.


Susan M. Collins Joseph I. Lieberman

Chairman Ranking Member
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June 2006 Press Releases
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June 30 current Press Release
June 29 - Dodd, Lieberman Help Secure Additional $4 Million for Coast Guard Research and Development Lab
June 29 - Lieberman Says DHS Infrastructure Protection Plan Not Enough
June 28 - Lieberman Speaks on Introduction of Bill to Reinvent FEMA
June 27 - Collins, Lieberman Seek Greater Funding To Protect Transit, Rail and Ports
June 27 - Lieberman Says Appeals Court Decision Reaffirms Opposition To DHS Personnel Changes
June 23 - Lieberman Demands Greater Information Security For DHS Trusted Traveler Programs
June 20 - Lieberman Welcomes Reversal of FEMA Trailer Evictions
June 20 - Democrats Seek Oversight of Iraqi Reconstruction Contracts
June 19 - Lieberman Says Federal Efforts to Ensure Diversity Must Improve
June 16 - Lieberman Says NRP Conclusion is Not Surprising
June 16 - Senators Collins, Lieberman, Coleman and Murray Call on Chertoff to Issue Transporation and Port Security Grant Guidance
June 15 - Senate Homeland SEcurity Committee Unanimously Passes Collins-Lieberman Chemical Security Legislation
June 15 - Lieberman Heralds Advancement Of Chemical Security Bill
June 14 - Lieberman Leads Defeat of Industry's Preemption Amendment to the Chemical Security Bill
June 14 - Lieberman Says Disaster Aid Abuse Underscores Need For A Reinvented FEMA
June 14 - Lieberman Calls for Investigation of the Appearance of Widespread Censorship by the Administration on Climate Change Research
June 9 - Some Katrina Victims Get a Break on Unemployment Benefits
June 9 - NASA Admits Wrongdoing in Not Allowing Top Scientist to Discuss Climate Change Research
June 8 - Senate Homeland Security Committee Holds Hearing on Where FEMA Belongs
June 8 - Lieberman Calls for Reinvention, Strengthening of FEMA
June 6 - Lieberman Assails GOP for Refusing to Extend Unemployment Benefits for 2005 Hurricane Victims

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510