March 2, 2007

Senator Clinton Questions Reported Gag Order on Servicemembers Under Treatment at Walter Reed

Following Visit to Walter Reed, Reiterates Call for Independent Investigation of Army Response to Walter Reed Conditions

Washington, DC - Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today called on the Secretary of the Army to respond to reports that servicemembers being treated at Walter Reed have been told they are no longer permitted to speak to news media. In a letter to Army Secretary Francis Harvey, Senator Clinton underscored the need to hear directly from wounded servicemembers who have been subjected to these conditions.

"I recognize the importance to the Army of operating within the chain-of-command, but I also believe that these extraordinarily brave men and women have earned the right to have their voices heard. Indeed, the American people also deserve to hear firsthand about the experiences of our wounded servicemembers and to know more about the support systems in place to help them," Senator Clinton wrote.

Senator Clinton visited Walter Reed today to see the conditions firsthand. During her visit, she visited wounded soldiers at the hospital and met with New York servicemembers to hear their concerns. She also toured Building 18, which news reports have identified as housing soldiers in unacceptable conditions. Following her visit, Senator Clinton reiterated her call for an independent investigation of the Army's response to the problems at Walter Reed. Senator Clinton requested the investigation yesterday in a letter to the Army Inspector General.

The following is the text of Senator Clinton's letter today to the Secretary of the Army.

The Honorable Francis J. Harvey
Department of the Army
The Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20310

Dear Secretary Harvey:

I write to you with tremendous concern regarding recent reports that servicemembers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center have been told that they are no longer permitted to speak to the news media. This is particularly disturbing considering that the poor treatment, lack of support, and substandard living conditions faced by outpatients at the facility came to light only through news reports, even though senior Army officials may have known about the situation since 2003.

I recognize the importance to the Army of operating within the chain-of-command, but I also believe that these extraordinarily brave men and women have earned the right to have their voices heard. Indeed, the American people also deserve to hear firsthand about the experiences of our wounded servicemembers and to know more about the support systems in place to help them.

Those who have sacrificed so much deserve our deepest appreciation and respect, but they also deserve and should expect our best care and support when being treated at our military facilities. It is unacceptable that not enough has been done to assist these courageous men and women in the years since the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq began.

Our men and women in uniform are the best that our nation has to offer, and we have a duty to honor and support them. Thank you for your consideration of my concerns on this extremely important issue. I look forward to continuing to work with you in support of all our service members and their families.

Sincerely Yours,

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Read more statements by Senator Clinton concerning Walter Reed.


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