The Hometowns to Heroes Project

"It is often difficult to find ways to show our uniformed heroes just how much they are remembered and appreciated, especially during the holiday season. This is a simple and meaningful way for Nebraskans to show they care for our Nebraska heroes away from home."

Senator Ben Nelson

Welcome to The Hometowns to Heroes Project, a webpage to help Nebraskans reach out to our troops serving overseas.

If you have a message or drawing for a friend or loved one serving in the armed forces, or would simply like to voice your support, please post a comment or greeting. As the season progresses and number of postings grows, I will direct our service members to this site to read your greetings of joy, appreciation, and well wishes.

Children are encouraged to send letters or drawings showing support from our little Nebraskans as well.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Please post your message for our troops:

If you are interested in submitting your holiday greeting or drawing for our troops, please email your message and it will be posted shortly. If you would like to send a physical drawing to be posted, please send to:

Office of Senator E. Benjamin Nelson
720 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Attn: Clay Westrope

The drawing must be on standard size paper. Drawings are also welcome in JPEG format through e-mail.

View Nebraskans' postings: