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Opportunities for Too Few? Oversight of Federal Employment Programs for Persons with Disabilities. October 20, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Harkin

Mr. Robert Lawhead

Mr. Michael Nelson

Ms. Kate Bartlett

Mr. James Gashel

Mr. Tony Young

The Witnesses

The Audiences


Enhancing Cooperation Between Employers and Guardsmen/Reservists. October 19, 2005

Sen. Isakson (Subcommittee Chairman)

Sen. Isakson and Sen. Murray (Ranking Member)

Sen. Jeffords

Sen. Roberts

Mr. Ronald Fry and Ms. Lisa Nisendfeld

Ms. Christine Bierman

Mr. Dennis Donovan

Mr. Bob Hollingsworth

Mr. Ronald Fry

The Witnesses


Executive Session: 1.) Title VII to S. ___, the 2005 Spending Reconciliation Bill 2.) S. ___. The National Biodefense Act of 2005 3.) Nominations . October 18, 2005

Chairman Enzi presiding over the Mark-up

Sen. Enzi talking to Staff Directors

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Gregg

Sen. Roberts

Sen. Harkin

Sen. Ensign and DeWine

Sens. Jeffords and Bingaman

Sens. Reed and Clinton

Sen. Burr

Sen. Reed



Katrina's Displaced School Children. September 22, 2005

Sen. Alexander (Subcommittee Chairman)

Sen. Enzi

Sen. Lott Testifying

Sen. Landrieu Testifying

Sen. Landrieu and Sen. Lott

Sen. Sessions

Sen. Lott and Mr. Johnson

Mr. Henry Johnson

Mr. Rodney R. LaFon

Mr. Daryl Gates

Mr. Mike Stein

Sister Michaeline Green

The Audience Members


Roundtable on Hurricane Katrina: Rebuilding Lives and Communities. September 8, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Hatch

Sen. Alexander and Sen. Enzi

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Burr

Sens. Sessions, Enzi, Kennedy and Dodd

Dr. Anthony and Maj. White

Mr. Ware and Sen. Enzi

Dr. Diane Roussel and Ms. Lisa Cox

Dr. Jennifer Leaning

Dr. Kirsch and Ms. Lane

Dr. Leonard Merrell

Mr. Casserly and Dr. Merrell

Mr. Charlie Ware

Mr. Kenneth Wigand

Mr. Mark Shriver

Ms. Kathleen Smith

Ms. Smith and Mr. Savoi

Sen. Enzi, Mr. Savoi and Sen. Kennedy



The Introduction of Enzi-Kennedy Health IT Bill Press Conference. June 30, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sens. Enzi and Kennedy

Sens. Grassley, Enzi, Kennedy and Baucus

Sen. Enzi answering a reporter's question

Staff Members answering questions from reporters


U.S. History: Our Worst Subject? June 30, 2005

Sen. Alexander (Chairman)

Sen. Kennedy

Mr. Daivd McCullough testifying

Mr. McCullough and Sen. Alexander

Sen. Reed

Mr. James Parisi

Ms. Stephanie Norby

Mr. Charles Smith


Executive Session: 1) S. 1317, The Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005; 2) Tomas Luce, III, to be Assistant Secretary of Education for Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development. June 29, 2005

Sens. Enzi, Isakson, Alexander, Kennedy, Dodd

Sen. Hatch and Sen. Enzi

Sens. Hatch, Enzi and Reed

Sens. Burr, Hatch, Enzi, Reed and Dodd

Sens. Burr, Hatch and Enzi

Sen. Dodd and Sen. Alexander

Sen. Dodd and Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Sessions and Sen. Hatch


Roundtable Discussion: The Family Medical Leave Act: A Dozen Years of Experience. June 23, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen.Isakson and Sen. Enzi

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Enzi and Ms. Jamie Marsden

Ms. Jamie Marsden and Ellen Bravo

Ms. Cheryle Barbanel

Mr. Robert Prybutok

Ms. Debra Ness

Ms. Sue Willman

Ms. Laurie Dohnalek

Ms. Sandy Boyd

Ms. Marie Alexander

Mr. Patrick Lancaster

Ms. Patti Philips

Ms. Susan O'Flaherty

Ms. JaneMarie Mulvey

Ms. Jody Heymmann

Ms. Heymmann and Mr. Jeff Payne

Ms. Jamie Marsden

The Audience Members


Executive Session: Nomination of Lester Crawford to be Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. June 15, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman) and Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Dodd and Sen. Mikulski


Sen. Gregg

Sen. Dodd

Sen. Hatch

Sen. Reed and Sen. Clinton

Sen. Alexander and Sen. Isakson

Sen. Murray

Sen. Isakson, Burr and Alexander

Sen. Clinton adn Mikulski

Sen. Enzi and Kennedy talking to the media

Sen. Hatch talking to reporters


Protecting America’s Pensions Plans from Fraud: Will Your Savings Retire Before You do? June 9, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Bingerman

Sen. Kennedy and Mr. Endicott

Mr. Alan Lebowitz

Ms. Barbara Bovbjerg

Mr. John Endicott

Mr. Stephen English

Mr. Barclay Grayson

Mr. James Ray



The 21st Century Workplace: Preparing for Tomorrow’s Employment Trends Today. May 26, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Tamara Erickson (Witness)

Dianna Furchtgott-Roth (Witness)

Jared Bernstein (Witness)

The Witnesses


Executive Session: 1.) S. __, Head Start Improvements For School Readiness Act, 2.) S. 518, National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act of 2005, 3.) Any Nominations Ready for Action. May 25 , 2005

Sen. Gregg and Sen. Enzi

Sen. Enzi, Kennedy, Dodd

Sen. Roberts

Sen. Dodd

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Alexander

Sen. Burr

Sen. Murray

Sen. Reed

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Sessions and Sen. Hatch

Sen. Enzi talking to the media


Roundtable – Higher Education and Corporate Leaders: Working Together to Strengthen America’s Workforce. May 19, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Murray

Sen. Enzi and Dr. Walter Nolte

Sen. Enzi and the witnesses

Dr. Charles Reed

Dr. Edison Jackson

Dr. Edward Hoff

Dr. Laura Palmer-Noone

Mr. Robert Craves

Mr. James Mullen

Mr. Louis Caldera

Mr. Patrick Sweeney, III

Ms. Patricia McGuire

Mr. Craves and Dr. Nolte


Executive Session: 1.) S. ____, Workforce Investment Act Amendments of 2005 2.) Any Nominations ready for action . May 1 8, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Harkin

Sen. Hatch

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Jeffords

Sen. Reed

Sen. Burr

Sen. Alexander and Sen. Enzi

Sen. DeWine

Sen. Enzi, Sen. DeWine and Sen. Jeffords

Sen. Hatch, Sen. DeWine and Sen. Isakson

Sen. Enzi talking to reporters

Sen. Sessions and Sen. Hatch



Providing Quality Postsecondary Education: Access and Accountability. April 28, 2005

Sen. Alexander and Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Dodd

Sen. Murray

Sen. Alexander

Ms. Kati Hancock (Witness)

Ms. Trinity Thorpe (Witness)

Mr. Brian Bosworth (Witness)

Mr. Robert Shireman (Witness)

Mr. Phillip Van Horn (Witness)

Mr. Phillip Van Horn and Sen. Enzi

Ms. Thorpe and Sen. Enzi

Ms. Thorpe and Sen. Enzi

Sen. Enzi with the Witness's Family Member

The Audience Members


Small Businesses and Health Insurance: Easing Costs and Expanding Access. April 21, 2005

Sen. Ensign


Mr. Blake and Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Mr. Blake and Sen. Enzi

Mr. Mitchell Blake (Witness)

Ms. Karen Ignagni (Witness)

Mr. Joseph Rosmann (Witness)

Ms. Sandy Praeger (Witness)

Sen. Enzi and Ms. Sandy Praeger

Sen. Enzi, Ms. Ignagni and Ms. Praeger


S.334: An Approach to Drug Importation. April 19, 2005

Sen. Hatch and Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Isakson and Sen. Gregg

Sen. Enzi and Sen. Stabenow

Sen. Hatch and Dr. Kessler (Witness)

Sen. Murray

Sen. Dorgan Testifying

Sen. Snowe Testifying

Sen. Stabenowe Testifying

Sen. Vitter Testifying

The Witness Senators at the Hearing

Sen. Dorgan and Sen. Snowe

Mr. Graham Satchwell (Witness)

Mr. Thomas Arthur (Witness)

Dr. David Kessler (Witness)

Dr. Todd Cecil (Witness)


Sen. Burr


Full Committee Hearing: Lifelong Education Opportunities. April 14, 2005


Sen. Alexander and Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Alexander

Sec. Chao of Labor Testifying

Sec. Spellings of Education Testifying

Sec. Spellings and Sec. Chao

Gov. Sebelius of Kansas Testifying

Gov. Fletcher of Kentucky Testifying

Mr. Steve Gunderson (Witness)

Mr. Brian Fitzgerald (Witness)

Ms. Pamela Boisvert (Witness)

Sec. Chao and Sen. Enzi

Sen. Enzi, Sec. Chao, Sen. Alexander and Sec. Spellings

Gov. Fletcher and Sen. Burr

Gov. Sebelius and Sen. Enzi

Sec. Chao, Sen. Enzi and Gov. Sebelius

Sen. Enzi and Mr. Jeff Wasserburger

Sec. Spellings and Sec. Chao

The Witnesses

Sen. Enzi and the Audience members


Health Care Provided to Non-ambulatory Persons. April 6, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Burr

Mr. Rud Turnbull testifying

Dr. James Bernat (Witness)

Dr. Deborah Warden (Witness)

Sen. Enzi and the Witnesses

The Audience Members

Dr. Donald Schumacher (Witness)



Nomination of Lester M. Crawford to be Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Department of Health and Human Services March 17, 2005

Sen. Enzi and Sen. Kennedy

Dr. Crawford and Sen. Sessions

Dr. Crawford Testifying

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Jeffords

Sen. Dodd

Sen. Murray

Sen. Mikulski

Sen. Hatch and Sen. Sessions


Ensuring Drug Safety: Where Do We Go From Here? March 3, 2005

Sen. Enzi and Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Enzi and Dr. Woosley

Sen. Enzi and Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Enzi and the Audience Member

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Reed

Sen. Murray

Dr. Bruce Psaty (witness)

Sen. Isakson

Dr. Cecil Wilson (witness)

Dr. Woodock testifying


Dr. Psaty, Dr. Woosley and Mr. Carson


FDA's Drug Approval Process: Up to the Challenge? March 1, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Murray

Dr. David Fassler (Witness)

Dr. Sandra Kweder testifying

Dr. Scott Gottlieb (Witness)

Dr. Thomas Fleming (Witness)

Mr. William Schultz (Witness)

Ms. Nancy Davenport-Ennis

The Witnesses

The Witnessess



Drug Importation: Would the Price Be Right? February 17, 2005

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Isakson and Sen. Burr

Mr. Aldonas testifying (Under Secretary of DOC)

Mr. Grant Aldonas

Dr. Goldberg (Witness)

Dr. Zycher and Mr. Outterson (Witnesses)

Mr. Pollard (Witness)

The Audience


Drug Importation: The Realities of Safety and Security. February 16, 2005

Dr. Carmona and Sen. Enzi

Dr. Carmona, U.S. Surgeon General

Dr. Peter Rost (Witness)

Gov.Tim Pawlenty testifying

Mr. Carmen Catizone (Witness)

Mr. John Gray (Witness)

Sen. Burr and Sen. Alexander

Sen. Enzi (Chairman) and Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Enzi and Dr. Carmona

Sen. Enzi and Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Murray


Biodefense: Next Steps . February 8, 2005

Sen. Enzi and Sen. Burr

Sen. Enzi and Sen Burr

Sen. Burr presiding over the hearing

Dr. Cameron (Witness)

Dr. Epstein and Dr. Abramson (Witnesses)

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Albright (Witnesses)

Dr. Painter testifying

The Audience



Nomination of Governor Michael O. Leavitt to be Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services . January 18, 2005

Gov. Leavitt

Sen. Bennett

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Enzi (Chairman) and Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Frist

Senators Hatch, Kennedy and Gov. Leavitt

Sen. Burr and Sen. Alexander


The Presidential Nomination of Margaret Spellings to be Secretary of Education. January 6, 2005

Ms. Spellings and Sen. Cornyn

Ms. Spellings

Sen. Burr, Alexander and Gregg

Sen. Cornyn

Sen. Enzi (Chairman)

Sen. Gregg and Sen. Enzi

Sen. Isakson and Sen. Burr

Sen. Jeffords, Reed and Clinton

Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Dodd



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