Senator Murray's Veterans Update
November 18 , 2008

In This Issue:

Efforts to Increase VA Mileage Reimbursement Rates Begins to Payoff for Veterans

Murray Calls for Immediate VA Response to Help Ill Gulf War Vets

Murray Calls for a New Commitment to the Care of Nation's Heroes

In the News...




Efforts to Increase VA Mileage Reimbursement Rates Begins to Payoff for Veterans


Senator Murray applauded the Department of Veterans’
Meeting with Vets and Vet Advocates in Clallam County
Meeting with veterans and advocates in Clallam County
Affairs (VA) decision to increase gas mileage reimbursements for veterans who have to travel long distances for health care.  The VA’s decision comes after Murray helped to pass a critical veterans spending bill that provides a $3 billion increase for veterans health care – legislation that makes today’s announcement possible. The funding will increase reimbursements from 28.5 cents to 41.5 cents per mile.  The increase went into effect on Monday, November 17th.

"For many veterans in Washington state seeing a doctor means long drives. And with fluctuating gas prices and an ailing economy, seeking even routine care really adds up. That’s why I’m so pleased that the VA has decided to use the resources we have given them to raise the mileage reimbursement for our veterans.  No veteran should ever have to choose between filling up the tank and receiving the care they need.“

Senator Murray has consistently heard from veterans throughout Washington state about their struggles to afford trips to health clinics. In response, Murray has worked to help open several community VA clinics including facilities in Northwest Washington, Port Angeles, and Wenatchee.

Murray has also insisted upon a mileage reimbursement increase for those veterans who still have to travel many miles for care.

Veterans receiving VA pensions, veterans with low incomes, and some service connected veterans are eligible for mileage reimbursements. 

More information on eligibility 

The VA's decision to raise the reimbursement rate can be found in the Federal Register online.




Murray Calls for Immediate VA Response to Help Ill Gulf War Vets


Senator Murray, a senior member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs committee, reacted to the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Illness report released on Monday that concludes that Gulf War Illness is real and that it still affects many of the 700,000 service members who served in the first Gulf War. The report also called on Congress to increase VA spending to find a cure for the multi-symptom illness. Senator Murray has consistently called on the VA to recognize Gulf War illness as real, has pushed for more research funding, and held hearings on this issue in Washington state in 1997 and in Washington, D.C. in 2007.

“This report leaves no doubt that Gulf War illness is real and impacting hundreds of thousands of Gulf War veterans. Gulf War veterans have been waiting over 17 years for the vindication this report provides. It’s our job to ensure they don’t have to wait any longer for the VA to begin working on a cure and compensating veterans for their service-connected injuries.

“I stand ready to work with the incoming Obama Administration to make sure the VA has the resources it needs to increase research, outreach, and treatment efforts for ill Gulf War veterans. We cannot lose sight of the importance of treating and tracking these men and women, especially at a time when the physical and mental injuries facing veterans of current wars demands so much of our resources and attention. Today’s report should also serve as a reminder to the VA and Department of Defense that we must learn from our past by screening today's service members before and after deployment to the Gulf."




Murray Calls for a New Commitment to the Care of Nation's Heroes


On the eve of Veterans Day, Senator Murray, a key member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, called on Congress and the country to recognize veterans care as a top priority and to recommit to honoring their service every day, not just on Veterans Day.

“Tomorrow Americans across the country will pause to recognize the service and sacrifice of our nations’ heroes.   But with our troops serving overseas and hundreds of thousands coming home with the mental and physical wounds of service, a single day of remembrance is not enough. 

“Every day should be Veterans Day across America and in the halls of Congress.

“Last week our nation made history.  Generations of men and women sacrificed to make last Tuesday’s election possible.  They gave us an enormous opportunity.  Thanks to them, the people have spoken.   But as we change the direction of our country we must change the way our government has treated our veterans. 

“It is not enough for Congress to serve as a backstop for bad budgets and the failed policies of the past.  With the support of a new Administration we will stand up and advocate for the care, benefits and respect America’s veterans deserve.  Caring for our veterans is not a partisan issue, it is an American responsibility.

 “I know our new President agrees.  I sat next to Barack Obama on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and he has a passion for caring for the men and women who served our nation.  I am excited to work with an Administration that will make our wounded warriors a priority every day.

“It’s time for our country to join together once and for all, to honor our nation’s heroes with the promise that their sacrifices will never be forgotten – and that their care will always be guaranteed.”




In the News...


Troops a priority, says Murray - The News Tribune - November 15, 2008

The State of Veterans' Services - KEPR TV - November 11, 2008

Combat to College - New York Times - October 30, 2008