September 17, 2008

Senator Clinton Meets with State Department Officials to Discuss Efforts to Bring Miladin Kovacevic to Justice

WASHINGTON, DC—Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today met with Ambassador Cameron Munter, United States Ambassador to Serbia, and Stuart E. Jones, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs to discuss ongoing efforts to secure the return of Miladin Kovacevic to the United States. Kovacevic, who is charged in the May 2008 assault of University of Binghamton student Bryan Steinhauer, fled to Serbia after being released on bail. During their meeting, Senator Clinton underscored the need for continued cooperation to ensure the return of Kovacevic to the United States. Ambassador Munter commended Senator Clinton’s efforts, including her recent appeal to sponsors of the Serbian Basketball Federation, which asked four corporations that conduct business in America to withdraw support for the league if Kovacevic is allowed to play professional basketball in Serbia.

“Mr. Kovacevic must return to New York to stand trial for this brutal assault. I am confident that Ambassador Munter is making every effort to secure his return, and I will continue to coordinate with the State Department and to fight in any way I can until justice is served and the rule of law is upheld,” said Senator Clinton.

Senator Clinton has been a leader in efforts to bring Kovacevic to justice.  Earlier this month, Senator Clinton wrote to sponsors of the Serbian Basketball Federation to sever links with Kovacevic.  In July, Senator Clinton spoke directly with Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic to underscore that failure to resolve this case could damage U.S.-Serbian relations.  Representatives from the offices of Senators Clinton and Schumer, along a Senate Foreign Relations Committee majority staff member met with Vladimir Petrovic, the Serbian Embassy’s Charge d’Affaires to urge that Miladin Kovacevic be returned to the United States for trial. Earlier that month, Clinton referring to the situation as “an affront to justice,” called on the State Department to take further action to return Kovacevic to the United States so that he can be fully prosecuted under the law.  On June 26, Senators Clinton and Schumer and Representative Maurice Hinchey appealed to Secretary Rice to demand that the Serbian government revoke the diplomatic immunity of Igor Milosevic, the Serbian consular official accused of posting bail and procuring the new passport so Kovacevic could flee the country.



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