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Week of Monday, Jan. 8, 2007

January 8, 2007

Our Senate Veterans Affairs’ Committee will hold its first meeting of the 110th Congress on Tuesday, January 9.  This is an organizational meeting and my first as Chairman.  In opening remarks before the Committee, I will reveal my plans for upcoming hearings on the transition from soldier to veteran.  It is my belief that we can do a better job of helping our military cope with combat experiences and adjust to civilian life.

Also on Tuesday, our Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will consider full implementation of the 9-11 Commission’s recommendations.  I am particularly interested in increasing foreign language proficiency in federal government.  According to the 9-11 Commission Report, al Qaeda was more globalized than we were.  I completely agree.  Al Qaeda knew the English language and American culture, but we didn't know theirs.  Federal agencies lacked sufficient Arabic speaking agents on September 11th which contributed to the United States' inability to predict and prevent the 9-11 attacks.

This Wednesday, President George W. Bush will reveal his new plan for Iraq and we anticipate that he will ask for an escalation of U.S. involvement.  Whatever the President proposes, it will be the principal topic of discussion during our Armed Services Committee meeting on Friday.  Our Committee will hear from Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Peter Pace.

Year: 2008 , [2007]

January 2007

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