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Digital TV

   Date: 12/22/2008

"With the nation's transition to digital TV two months away, U.S. Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont has proposed a new government coupon program to subsidize rooftop antennas for people with poor reception. The coupons will help defray the cost of antennas that could run into the hundreds of dollars for lower-income people and the elderly, who will be disproportionately affected by the pending digital switch. An option, given the cost of antennas, may be no TV,” Sanders told the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Bob Fernandez. “If you're 80 years old, you will not be going up on your roof in a Vermont winter,’ said Sanders, an Independent and former mayor of Burlington, Vt., who heard complaints about free-digital-TV reception in a Vermont town hall meeting in October."

To read more about the conversion to digital TV, click here.

To read the Philadelphia Inquirer article on Bernie’s legislation, click here.


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