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Hope from Crisis

   Date: 12/29/2008

In the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, while millions of families struggle to afford health care, save money for retirement, pay their home heating bills or any number of other necessary expenses, there remains hope that things can change.  As Sen. Sanders wrote in a recent op-ed, "Difficult times often bring out the best in people."  The Rutland Herald recently concurred that this time of crisis may also force change in much-needed ways.  They wrote that Sen. Sanders  "for decades has been a voice in the wilderness concerning the excesses of capitalism."  They argue that now might be the time that we begin recalibrating our priorities to support working families and not simply favor large corporate interests. Sanders "has been urging laws to hold banks and other institutions of capitalism accountable, to end corporate welfare and to enact tax policies fairer to ordinary Americans. That is likely to happen. He has been urging a system of health care for all, and we are heading in that direction."  Maybe, as the Rutland Herald wrote, "Now is the season of Sanders."

To read the Rutland Herald/Times Argus editorial, click here.

To read the senator's op-ed, click here.


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