Senator Murray's Veterans Update
April 4 , 2008

Introducing Legislation to Improve Care for Women Veterans


On Wednesday April 2, Senator Murray and a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators including Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR ), Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Senator Murray talks about the Women Veterans Health Improvement ActCharles Schumer (D-NY) introduced legislation to improve care for women veterans at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The legislation, the Women Veterans Health Improvement Act of 2008, seeks to prepare the VA for the unprecedented influx of female veterans who will access care there in the coming years. VA officials estimate that the amount of women who will utilize the VA will double in the next five years. 

The legislation introduced today will address many of the unique needs of female veterans by authorizing programs to improve care for Military Sexual Trauma (MST), increase research on the current barriers to care, and expand women veterans staff positions at the VA.

"The huge number of women that have responded to the call of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan has created new challenges that the VA must step up to meet," said Senator Murray. "As more women transition home with the physical and mental wounds of war, and step back into lives as mothers, wives, and citizens, the VA must be there for them. This bill addresses the unique challenges women face by providing specialized care for the visible and invisible wounds of war."

Bill Summary




Receiving the Silver Helmet Award


On Thursday April 3, Senator Patty Murray was presented with the Silver Helmet Award for her work to help veterans in Washington state and across Senator Murray receives the Silve Helmet Award.the country. Each year AMVETS presents the Silver Helmet Award to "honor champions of veterans’ service for their tireless efforts to improve the lives of our veterans and their families."  

More information on the Silver Helmet Award

Senator Murray talked about the tremendous responsibilities our country has to the aging veteran population and to the veterans coming home today from Iraq and Afghanistan.

"The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have now lasted longer than World War II, and veterans are returning with new, serious injuries that will require care for many years to come," Murray said today.

"We have an urgent need to better understand how to prevent and treat brain trauma and psychological wounds so we can provide the care these new veterans have earned. So we have a lot of work to do as we try to remind our government that when we recruit a soldier today – we promise to care for him – or her – for a lifetime."




Senator Murray Pleased by Announcement to Build Veterans Health Clinic in South Puget Sound Region


Clinic will serve Veterans in Thurston County, Lewis County, and other Underserved Areas of the Region

In March, Senator Murray applauded the decision by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to locate a Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) in the South Puget Sound region. Senator Murray has lobbied the VA to increase access for veterans in the Lewis and Thurston County region and throughout Washington state. Murray is a senior member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee. She has worked closely with Veterans Secretary James Peake on issues affecting Washington state since she voted for his confirmation in December. 

"Today is a great day for veterans throughout the South Puget Sound region," said Senator Murray. "I am extremely pleased that the VA has recognized the health care quality and access needs of veterans in Lewis, Thurston and other Counties in the region. This announcement is a windfall for the many veterans who have sat in traffic, searched for transportation, or sacrificed their health concerns because of the lack of VA access in the area."

More more  




Senator Murray Leads Secretary Peake on a Walking Tour of the Walla Walla VAMC


Senator Murray Leads Secretary Peake on a Walking Tour of the Walla Walla VAMCIn February, Secretary Peake visited the Walla Walla facility at the request of Senator Murray.  Peake came to tour the Walla Walla VA facility and speak with veterans, VA staff, and local residents. It was Secretary Peake's first trip to Walla Walla as Veterans Secretary. While at the Walla Walla VA, Secretary Peake announced that the VA will be investing $6.7 million to build a new mental health facility there.