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-- GreenLane --------

The Challenge

Greenlane Maritime Cargo Security Act/
Port Security Act HR 4954

(Murray-Collins Bill - S.2008)
(Collins - Murray Bill - S.2459)

Senator Murray and members of the U.S. Coast Guard commission the USCG Cutter Wahoo in Port Angeles, WA.


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Cargo Containers Are Critical to Our Economy

Our nation’s economy relies on an open and efficient trading system built around cargo containers. This container trading system helps the American people lower the costs of trade and create jobs. But the system was built for efficiency, not security. It was designed for a world before September 11th.

Our Container System Leaves America Vulnerable to a Terrorist Attack

The millions of foreign containers that enter our nation's seaports pose a significant vulnerability to America's security. Terrorist organizations could use containers to smuggle weapons or terrorists into the United States. Or terrorists could turn a container into a weapon by detonating a conventional, chemical, biological or nuclear weapon within a container once it arrives on American shores. An attack launched on, or through, America's seaports could result in significant loss of life and the crippling of our economy.

America Needs a Comprehensive Plan to Improve Security and Maintain Efficiency

Our current security efforts are insufficient. To protect our nation we must develop a cargo security system that closes vulnerabilities, provides a way to resume trade after an incident, and maintains the efficient flow of commerce. Senators Murray and Collins have written comprehensive legislation that builds on the lessons from the 9/11 Commission, GAO investigations, and other reports. Senators Coleman and Lieberman are original co-sponsors of this legislation.

The GreenLane Maritime Cargo Security Act Will:

  • Protect Americans by making our cargo and seaports more secure - mitigating a dangerous vulnerability.

  • Prevent a lengthy shutdown of America's seaports in the event of an incident – protecting America's economy from severe disruption.

  • Provide layered security at every step of the supply chain while keeping it efficient.

  • Push the borders out and reduce the haystack so we can focus our limited resources on suspect cargo.

The GreenLane Maritime Cargo Security Act Improves Security by Establishing:

  • The GreenLane, comprised of supply chain participants who voluntarily meet the highest level of security, allows our security services to better identify and respond to potential threats and provides real incentives to importers to enhance their supply chain security measures.

  • Minimum security standards for all cargo containers entering the U.S. and requirements that strengthen current cargo security programs.

  • The Office of Cargo Security Policy to ensure accountability and coordination of cargo security policies, procedures & regulations at the Department of Homeland Security and with other agencies.

  • Joint Operations Centers to ensure a coordinated, measured response and the resumption and flow of commerce in the event of an incident or heightened national security threat level.

  • The Act also Authorizes Port Security Grants, the Container Security Initiative and C-TPAT.

This bipartisan proposal is built around common-sense ideas that involve everyone in the supply chain: importers, freight forwarders, shippers, terminal operators and those on the front lines like longshoremen, truck drivers, and port employees. The GreenLane Act covers supply chain activities from the factory floor overseas to our nation’s shore.


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Related Pages:
Port Security
Coast Guard
Homeland Security


"The GreenLane Maritime Cargo Security Enhancement Act of 2005 is
the most comprehensive legislative initiative to date to tackle the challenge of ensuring that an intermodal container is not used as a poor man's missile. It redresses many of the well-documented weaknesses of the C-TPAT and CSI programs and provides a framework for rewarding private sector players who work with DHS to raise the security bar."

- Dr. Stephen Flynn
  noted homeland
  security expert

“Murray’s port measure is not about demagoguery. It’s a solid, well-crafted piece of legislation that she has patiently advanced by working with members of the Senate’s Republican majority. . . . It’s all designed to solve problems, not embarrass the other side. . . Some version of Murray’s vitally constructive measure looks headed for ultimate approval. The nation will be better off for it.”

- News Tribune Editorial