July 27, 2006

Senator Clinton Welcomes Reauthorization of Voting Rights Act

Senator attends White House Bill Signing Ceremony to celebrate historic legislation
Highlights need to ensure voting rights are enforced

Washington, DC – Attending the White House ceremony today for the signing of the Voting Rights Act, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton welcomed the reauthorization of this historic piece of legislation and hailed it as a reaffirmation of America’s commitment to protecting the rights of every voter.

“This is an historic occasion. The Voting Rights Act helped take our country forward, helped us to build an America that reaches ever closer to her ideals. The reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act today signifies our continuing commitment to protecting the right to vote in America and to making sure these rights are enforced,” said Senator Clinton.

Senator Clinton also emphasized that the laws that protect the integrity of our voting process must be enforced.

“The endurance of our democracy requires constant vigilance. The Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice must be a place where facts – and not political ideology – guide decisions. If we are going to honor the promise made by our Constitution and the Voting Rights Act, we must end the politicization of voting rights enforcement decisions. Voting is the most precious right of every citizen and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process, not just by enacting laws but by also enforcing them.”


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