Mark Pryor - United States Senator of Arkansas Arkansas First

October 6, 2008
Press Release

Pryor, Lincoln, Ross Announce Funds for Glenwood Police Department

WashingtonU.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor along with Representative Mike Ross (AR-04) announced today that the Glenwood Police Department has been awarded $3,785 through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Emergency Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program. This award will help to purchase new night vision equipment.

“As first responders, local law enforcement units play an integral role in keeping our communities safe,” Lincoln said. “One of my top priorities continues to be that local police departments like Glenwood receive the resources and funds they need to provide the best possible service for residents.”

“Night vision equipment will enable local law enforcement to catch more criminals when they are most active,” said Pryor.  “I will continue to support programs like these that keep our streets clean and protect our families.”

“Our communities depend on local law enforcement having the resources they need to keep our families safe,” said Ross.  “I am pleased to announce these federal funds for Glenwood because we should continually work to ensure our first responders have the necessary tools to quickly answer the needs of their residents.”

The Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program serves to enhance regional response capabilities and mutual aid by providing technology, equipment, training, and technical assistance to law enforcement and emergency responder agencies in small, rural jurisdictions and certain metropolitan areas. 


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