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August 7, 2000
Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) issued the following statement on the selection of Senator Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) as running mate for Vice President Al Gore:

"I am delighted that Vice President Gore has chosen a good friend and esteemed colleague, Senator Joe Lieberman, as his vice presidential running mate. Joe Lieberman enjoys a well-founded reputation for uncompromising integrity, bipartisan leadership, and public service.

"For the past ten years, Joe and I have served together on the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee where he is the ranking Democrat. I have the highest respect for my friend from Connecticut who is one of the most decent individuals I know. As the ranking Democrat on the Committee's Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services, I have worked closely with Joe on a number of issues, including the recent passage of a comprehensive long-term care package for federal employees and members of the Armed Services. His extensive and distinguished legislative record gives the Gore/Lieberman team an incomparable level of experience, judgment, and steady legislative effectiveness to move America forward and meet the challenges and opportunities facing our country in the 21st Century.

"Senator Lieberman's solid reputation, impressive legislative skills, and unique ability to build coalitions and consensus across party and ideological lines make him an excellent choice as a running mate. I look forward to working with the Gore/Lieberman team to strengthen and expand our great Nation's extraordinary era of peace and prosperity."

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August 2000

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