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May 4, 2000
U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D - Hawaii) issued the following statement on President Clinton's announcement of his intent to appoint fifteen members to the Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Last June, the President signed Executive Order 13125 establishing a White House Asian American and Pacific Islander initiative and advisory commission. The executive order is intended to improve the quality of life of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who are often underserved by Federal programs and services. The executive order outlines steps to be taken to ensure that Federal programs are responsive to the distinct needs of diverse Asian and Pacific Islander communities, including the collection and dissemination of data on public health and other social services. The Commission will advise the President on Federal efforts to improve the quality of life for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and study ways to increase public and private involvement in improving the health and well-being of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and increase their participation in Federal programs. OHA Trustee Haunani Apoliona will be one of the Commission's members and the only Hawaii resident on the panel. Senator Akaka had recommended Ms. Apoliona to the President.

"I commend President Clinton for selecting fifteen exceptional men and women to serve on the Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. His selections reflect the talent and diversity of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community and the breadth of contributions that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are making in our nation today. I am particularly pleased that the President has selected Haunani Apoliona to serve on the commission. Haunani's experience and mana'o on Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander issues will be invaluable to the commission's work.

"Language differences and cultural diversity characterize America's over 40 distinct Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, and the concerns of our established Asian American communities often differ from those of our most recent immigrants. This advisory commission, as part of the overall White House initiative, will enable the collection and analysis of data and the formulation of Federal policies with an understanding and precision that has been lacking to date. This information will ensure that the Federal government is fully responsive to the health and well-being of all Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

"It is also notable that the President named three Pacific Islanders -- a Native Hawaiian, Samoan, and Chamorro -- to this important panel. The President clearly recognizes the unique character of these three aboriginal, indigenous, native peoples within the United States."

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May 2000

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