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March 7, 2000
U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) today welcomed two scouts from the Girl Scout Council of Hawaii who are in the Nation's Capital to receive the Gold Award–the Girl Scout's top scouting award. Gina Yamane and Janis Yim of Honolulu, Hawaii, are two of 12 young women honored by the Girl Scouts for their community service project. The two scouts visited Senator Akaka in his Capitol Hill office during their visit to Washington, D.C. The Girl Scout Gold Award recognizes outstanding accomplishments in leadership, community service, career planning, and personal development. Winners must complete specific, multipurpose requirements and are selected through nationwide competition.

Gina and Janis, seniors at McKinley High School, are being honored for their work in organizing "Ka Pilina Pulama," or "Caring Connection" camp, a camp created to help Hawaii's bereaved children from ages 7 to 17 cope with the loss of a loved one. Working with Hospice Hawaii, Gina and Janis designed and implemented an extensive program of activities in an environment that offered support and comfort to bereaved children.

"I am impressed by the achievement of Gina and Janis in organizing 'Ka Pilina Pulama'," Akaka noted. "Their vision in identifying a need in our community, teamwork in planning the camp program, and management of a successful camp demonstrate why they truly deserve this honor.

"From over 1,600 projects across the country, ten outstanding community service projects have earned the Gold Award. The people of Hawaii and the Hawaii Girl Scouts Council can take pride in these two fine young women. Their civic spirit embodies the hard work, time and talents many young people in Hawaii volunteer to help improve the lives of others. They are role models for us all."

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March 2000

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