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Akaka Renews Call for Repeal of Additional Medicaid Documentation Requirements

March 28, 2006
Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka today urged colleagues to repeal provisions within the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 which requires individuals applying or reapplying for Medicaid to verify their citizenship through additional documentation requirements. Senator Akaka recently introduced S. 2305 to repeal the documentation requirements.

Senator Akaka says the provisions, which go into effect on July 1, 2006, will create barriers to health care, is unnecessary, and will be an administrative nightmare to implement. "The real purpose of the additional documentation requirements is to reduce the number of people on Medicaid in a short-sighted attempt to save money," says Senator Akaka.

"All we have done is make it more difficult for citizens to get Medicaid. Denying access to Medicaid unfairly will cost more money than it will save," says Senator Akaka. "Denying access to primary care will increase uncompensated care provided by our health care providers. Denying access to primary care will result in more pain and suffering of individuals. For example, people without Medicaid will have to seek treatment for renal failure instead of having access to the care needed to properly manage their diabetes."

Senator Akaka's comments came before a Senate Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security hearing on Medicaid fraud. Senator Akaka says he looks forward to working with Subcommittee Chairman Tom Coburn (R-OK) to address the issue before the documentation requirements are implemented in July 2006.

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March 2006

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