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Akaka Calls for Swift Passage of Agreement on GI Bill

June 19, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Chairman of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, issued the following statement today following reports of a brokered agreement on H.R. 2642, the Supplemental Appropriations bill, which includes provisions from S. 22, the "Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act".  

"Nearly a month after the Senate voted to give post-9-11 veterans a much-deserved increase in their education benefits, it appears that a bipartisan agreement has been reached to move the bill to final passage.  This compromise is the product of the good-faith efforts of members of Congress, the White House, and veterans organizations.  I join the overwhelming majority of my colleagues and veterans organizations in calling for its swift passage and enactment. 

"Our troops have spent over six years in Afghanistan and over five years in Iraq, and it is time to provide them with a modernized GI Bill to help them readjust to civilian life."


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June 2008

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