March 22, 2007

Senators Clinton and Schumer Protect 9/11 Funding Targeted for Elimination in Bush Budget

Secure $3.589 Million in the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill for 9/11 Health Needs

Washington, DC - Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charles Schumer announced today that they have secured $3.589 million for 9/11 health needs in the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill. President Bush in his FY2008 budget called for cancelling these remaining funds for New York that were part of the $20 billion secured for New York in the wake of 9/11. The funding secured by Senators Clinton and Schumer will preserve that funding and ensure it can be used to help meet New York's mounting 9/11 health needs.

"As so many made clear at yesterday's first Senate hearing on 9/11 health, New York is facing a growing need to monitor and treat thousands suffering health effects in the wake of 9/11. I am proud we were able to keep this funding where it belongs and we will keep fighting to make sure we can help all of those who need it," said Senator Clinton.

"This funding is critical for effective treatment and monitoring for the thousands of people who worked tirelessly in the days following 9-11 and are now suffering from ill health effects," said Senator Schumer. "Yesterday we spoke about how dire the need was for this federal funding and this is a first step in our ongoing fight to ensure these heroes get the monitoring and treatment they deserve."

Senators Clinton and Schumer have succeeded in making sure New York maintains the funding promised by the Administration in the aftermath of 9/11. Senators Clinton and Schumer worked with members of the New York Congressional delegation to successfully restore $125 million in emergency 9/11 recovery aid that President Bush proposed to take back in his FY06 budget and succeeded in making that funding available for worker's compensation claims and to address the ongoing medical and mental health needs of firefighters, police officers, first responders, workers, and others who worked at Ground Zero and Fresh Kills.

The Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill now awaits consideration on the Senate floor, which is expected to take place next week. When the bill is approved by Congress and signed into law, the funding secured by Senators Clinton and Schumer will enable 9/11 health programs to continue operating until September 30, 2007. Senators Clinton and Schumer are working on all fronts to secure additional funding for the next fiscal year and to secure a federal commitment to ensure funding is dedicated to meet 9/11 health needs in the long term.


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