April 25, 2005

Senator Clinton Announces Legislation to Make National Guard Units Who Responded in Support of New York’s Security Needs Following the 9/11 Attacks Eligible for Federal Retirement Service

New York, NY – Senator Clinton today announced that she plans to introduce legislation in the Senate to ensure that the members of the National Guard who responded in support of New York’s security needs throughout the State following the 9/11 attacks will receive military retirement credit for that service regardless if they were serving under federal or state active duty. Currently, members of the U.S. Army National Guard who helped protect New York after the Sept. 11 terror attacks aren't getting credit toward their military retirement for their service.

“In the aftermath of 9/11, we relied on the members of the New York National Guard to help protect sensitive sites throughout the State, and they continue to play a crucial role in our homeland security,” said Senator Clinton. “We owe these brave men and women our gratitude by making sure they receive the retirement benefits they deserve by making their service in the aftermath of 9/11 eligible towards Federal retirement service.”

Representatives Peter King (LI) and Carolyn Maloney (NY) have introduced legislation in the House to ensure that the members of the National Guard who responded in the counties that were declared disasters because of the terrorist attacks will receive military retirement credit for that service regardless if they were serving under federal or state active duty.

Tomorrow, Senators Clinton and Lindsey Graham (SC) will hold a press event marking the day that TRICARE (military healthcare benefit program) is made more widely available to Guard Members and Reservists, and renew their call for expanding access to the program for them.


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