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Members Welcome Cordial and Constructive Dialogue

July 24, 2003
Hawaii's Congressional delegation met with senior officials from the Department of Justice yesterday to discuss S. 344/H.R. 665, the Native Hawaiian Federal Recognition bill. The meeting was requested by the Hawaii delegation as part of an ongoing effort to work collaboratively with the Bush Administration to extend the federal policy of self-governance and self-determination to Hawaii's indigenous peoples, Native Hawaiians.

"The meeting was useful and effective. We helped the Department to better understand the history of Hawaii and the importance of this legislation to all people of Hawaii. The Department provided us with a clearer picture of the analysis that is currently underway by both legal and policy analysts," said U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka.

"It was a most promising meeting," said U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye.

"The Bush Administration's position is a key factor on this bill. If they support it, it will pass easily. If they don't support it, the task becomes much more difficult. Our meeting gave us a chance to convey to senior Administration policy makers the deep emotional commitment of Hawaii people of all races to justice for Native Hawaiians," said U.S. Representative Neil Abercrombie.

"It's always important when dealing with the federal government, especially on often unique situations involving Hawaii, to make sure that the facts are straight, the issues are framed right, and the human face is put on. We accomplished this, along with asking Justice directly to help Hawaii achieve what we all want," said U.S. Representative Ed Case.

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July 2003

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