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Honolulu Parents Honored As Congressional Angels In Adoption

September 13, 2005

Washington, D.C. -- Daniel K. Akaka today congratulated Angels In Adoption recipients John Clark and Julie Ushio of Honolulu for their exceptional work as adoption champions. The Angels In Adoption campaign is a national movement to raise awareness about adoption and related issues hosted by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

John and Julie are parents of nine-year-old Koji and seven-year-old Sachi. John and Julie adopted their children from Japan at a time when the Japan adoption program was fairly new to Hawaii. Over the past nine years, Julie and John have served as advocates for adoption, answering questions, giving informal counsel and encouragement to many couples and individuals. Five families credit their adoptions to the couple's direct counsel and assistance.

"Adoption, and especially international adoption, is a long involved process. There are many questions, doubts, hopes, and fears that are encountered. I tell prospective parents that there is a leap of faith involved. There will be those nagging little doubts and worries, but once you hold your new son or daughter in your arms, they all disappear. There is a special bond that adoptive families have with other adoptive families," said Julie. "John and I know how fortunate we are and we gladly share our experiences with others. The families that we have helped now help others. It's a chain, each new family a link, and it's getting longer. Happiness is contagious."

John is the Deputy Fire Chief of the Honolulu Fire Department and his wife, Julie is First Vice-President at Morgan Stanley. They, along with their children, join the other Angels in Adoption recipients nationwide this week in our Nation's Capital.

Senator Akaka, who nominated John and Julie, said, "I commend Julie Ushio and John Clark for all they have done and who rightfully deserve the recognition as Congressional Angels in Adoption. Stories such as theirs increase my hope that children in our country and around the world will find loving, caring, and nurturing parents who will give these children the best chance at a fulfilling life."

Year: 2008 , 2007 , 2006 , [2005] , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , 1999 , 1900

September 2005

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