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Senator Akaka Responds To 9th Circuit Decision in Doe v. Kamehameha Schools

August 2, 2005

Honolulu, HI -- Following today's ruling on John Doe v. Kamehameha Schools, Senator Daniel K. Akaka made the following statement:

"I am proud to recognize my alma mater, Kamehameha Schools. In its halls and classrooms we learned to think critically and excel in all the ordinary disciplines that a school ought to provide. Our studies were also informed by the values of our ancestors and imbued with a sense of duty toward this land of ours and all of its people.

Today's decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit fills me with a great sadness because there are those among us who will misinterpret the words of the court as a rejection of my alma mater, and the values it stands for. As in Rice v. Cayetano, the court has remained silent on the political and legal relationship between Native Hawaiians and our federal government.

Right now, I am hard at work together with the other members of Hawaii's delegation, to answer the silence of the court with an act of congress. When we pass S. 147, the court will soon have its answer, and our Native Hawaiians will be able to reclaim their place in history."

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August 2005

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