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Guantanamo Bay Needs Continued Oversight

Senator Akaka Returns from Guantanamo Bay Visit

July 18, 2005

Washington, D.C. -- Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) joined other members of the Armed Services Committee on Friday, July 15th in Guantanamo Bay to personally review facilities and treatment of detainees there. This visit, led by Chairman Senator John Warner, came a day after the Committee's hearing on various reports citing questionable techniques used during interrogation of these detainees.

Senator Akaka stated, "In light of the reports citing questionable techniques used during interrogation of detainees, I felt it necessary to travel to Guantanamo to try to determine what exactly is going on there and why. I am proud of the men and women who have been tasked with this challenge. The information that they are gathering may assist our military intelligence with valuable insight on future terrorist attacks.

"However, while the facility has modified its procedures, it is imperative that Congress continues to fulfill its oversight responsibility to ensure that mistreatment of detainees in the name of the war on terror does not reoccur," added Senator Akaka.

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July 2005

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