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Senator Akaka Chairs Hearing to Address Soldiers' Transition

April 19, 2005

Washington, D.C. - Ranking Member, Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) today chaired the Veterans' Affairs Committee Hearing, "Back from the Battlefield Part II: Seamless Transition into Civilian Life." Chairman Larry Craig (R-ID) was presenting an amendment on the Senate floor and unable to attend the hearing.

Senator Akaka sought to ensure a seamless transition for servicemembers leaving active duty. He applauded the work that Veterans Affairs (VA), Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Labor (DoL) have done thus far and noted that there remains a need for additional collaboration between federal agencies.

"Our servicemembers, including the men and women who are coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan, should have nothing less than a seamless reintegration into society and their lives," he said.

Senator Akaka stated, "We need to be particularly attentive to the challenges faced by the National Guard and Reserves in their transition from military to civilian life. In my own state of Hawaii, more than 700 Guard and Reserve members have returned from active duty. And there are currently more than 3,200 on active duty who will be transitioning in the future. I am very concerned that these servicemembers are aware of the benefits and services available to them and their families upon their return from active duty."

Testifying before the committee were: Army 1Lt. John A. Fernandez, who was injured in April 2003 during a friendly fire incident, causing him to have both of his legs amputated below the knee; PV2 Tristan Wyatt who suffered shrapnel wounds in August 2003 and lost his right leg above the knee. Representatives from DoD and VA also testified.

Year: 2008 , 2007 , 2006 , [2005] , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , 1999 , 1900

April 2005

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