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Our Energy Resources Face A National Crisis, Akaka Says

October 6, 2005

Washington, D.C. -- Today the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources addressed the dire condition of the nation's energy infrastructure in the shadow of hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Senator Daniel K. Akaka, a senior committee member, spoke on his first hand observations following his three-day trip to the Gulf Coast region.

"More than 30 percent of the nation's domestic oil comes from the Gulf. Ten percent of our refining capacity has been knocked out. Natural gas pipeline companies were severely challenged to keep their supplies going throughout the south and up to the northeast, fueling the likelihood of even higher natural gas prices," Senator Akaka stated.

During his visit, Senator Akaka said he was equally impressed by the immediate humanitarian actions by employees.

"Companies deployed their own resources, boats, employees, and supplies, to save people from flooding homes," noted Senator Akaka. "All this as they were fighting to save the energy infrastructure so vital to our nation."

Testifying at today's hearing were representatives from the country's petroleum, electric, natural gas, and chemical industries. Information gathered today will serve as a basis for future legislation on the federal government's role in rebuilding these industries.

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October 2005

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