Senator Lieberman on This Week

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December 2001

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December 13

Statement of Senator Joe Lieberman on the 6th Annual Video and Computer Game Report Card


October 2001

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October 11

Statement by Senator Joe Lieberman on Homeland Security Legislation

Remarks of Senator Joe Lieberman


September 2001

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September 21

Statement by Chairman Lieberman on Responding to Homeland Threats

September 12

Statement by Chairman Lieberman on Critical Infrastructures


August 2001

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August 31

Lieberman to Introduce Legislation to Permit Military Personnel and Federal Employees to Retain Frequent Flyer Mileage


July 2001

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July 29

U.S. Must Re-engage on Global Warming

July 16

Remarks Prepared for Senator Joseph Lieberman National Council of La Raza 2001 Annual Conference

Remarks Prepared for Senator Joe Lieberman Fifth Annual DLC National Conversation


May 2001

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May 20

Trinity College Commencement Address

May 11

Convocation Address to NYU Law School

May 1

Electronic Government Act of 2001


April 2001

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April 7

Our Soldiers May Pay for the Tax Cut


March 2001

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March 28

Environmental Regulation Rollbacks

March 26

A New Prosperity Agenda

March 1

Lieberman Renews Call for Larger, Lawful Space for Faith in American Public Life


February 2001

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February 26

Protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Sound Energy Policy

Protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Sound Energy Policy

February 4

Lieberman Addresses Wehrkunde Conference In Munich


Senator Lieberman at press conference.

News Releases


Senator Lieberman giving a press conference



Senator Lieberman giving a press conference on the steps of the Capitol.

Press Kit


Senator Lieberman giving a press conference

Interview Request

Senator Lieberman speaking on the floor of the Senate.

Video Archive