Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana - Press Releases
Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana
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Press Release of Senator Lugar

Lugar praises successful test flight of Boeing 747-400 using biofuels

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the successful test flight of a Boeing 747-400 using biofuel to travel from London to Amsterdam on Sunday, February 24. The airliner used standard kerosene jet fuel mixed with 25 percent biofuel to power one of its engines. The test flight is part of a joint project being undertaken by Virgin Atlantic Airways, Boeing and General Electric.
“Breaking our dependence on oil is a challenge for all of us. Prior to this successful test flight of one of the world’s preeminent airliners, few people imagined that there was a better way to meet our air transportation needs,” Lugar said. 
“This flight demonstrates that the airline industry can be a leader in improving energy security and combating climate change. It is an important step in the development of reliable alternatives that will cut oil use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help the bottom line of airlines that have been hit hard by rising fuel costs.”
In December 2006, Lugar welcomed the successful flight of a B-52 aircraft by the U.S. Air Force that powered all eight engines off a 50-50 blend of traditional crude oil based jet fuel and synthetic liquid derived from natural gas. 
For more than a decade, Lugar has stressed the strategic importance of energy security and the economic and security risks of dependence on oil. His legislative efforts promote sustainable energy production and use, incentives for renewable fuels like cellulosic ethanol and E85, increased fuel economy in cars, and clean coal. The Lugar Energy Initiative at highlights not only the repercussions of America's dangerous dependence on imported oil, but also provides information on energy legislation introduced by Lugar, commentary by outside experts and information on alternative and renewable energy sources.