Senator Dick Lugar - Driving the Future of Energy Security
Lugar Energy Initiative > Senator Lugar's Energy Plan

Senator Lugar's Energy Plan

Senator Lugar speaking at the Richard G. Lugar-Purdue University Summit on Energy Security.In the keynote speech at the Richard G. Lugar-Purdue University Summit on Energy Security, Senator Lugar announced his energy plan:

"To this end, the United States should adopt a national program that would make virtually every new car sold in America a flexible fuel vehicle. We should ensure that at least one quarter of filling stations in America have E85 pumps. We should expand ethanol production to 100 billion gallons a year by 2025, a figure that could be achieved by doubling output every five years. We should also create an approximate $45 per barrel price floor on oil through a variable ethanol tax credit to ensure that investments keep flowing to alternatives. And we should enact stricter vehicle mileage standards to point automobile innovation toward conservation. The plan I am proposing today would achieve the replacement of 6.5 million barrels of oil per day by volume -- the rough equivalent of one third of the oil used in America and one half of our current oil imports," he said.

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