Thursday 14 May 2009 | Home feed | All feeds

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Clare Short made excessive claim for mortgage

Clare Short leaving her house: MPs' expenses

Former international development secretary admitted claiming thousand which she was not entitled within months of standing down as a Cabinet minister.

Morley suspended from Labour Party

Elliot Morley admitted his future as MP for Scunthorpe was now in the hands of his local constituency..

Peers to be suspended over 'cash for laws' scandal

Labour peers will be first Lords suspended since English Civil War.

First-time buyers return

First-timers account for 40pc of house purchase lending.

Biggest telescope blasts off

Herschel & Planck Ariane 5 ECA V188: World's largest telescope launches in bid to reveal innermost secrets of Universe

Bid to see further than man has ever seen before.

Royal Mail delivers profit

Cost-cutting programme, including job losses, provides annual gains.

Yuan to usurp US dollar

Chinese currency preparing to become world's reserve.

Mandelson called on to recoup Dubai debt

Dubai's construction boom has been wiped out by the recession

Builders look to recover hundreds of millions as boom turns to bust.

Chrysler to shut dealerships

Quarter of its 3,200 car dealerships to go amid bankruptcy.

UK signs Eurofighter deal

UK has committed to buying the third tranche of Eurofighter Typhoon jets.

Bopara and Cook shine in Durham

England v West Indies: Ravi Bopara and Alastair Cook shine in Durham

England (302-2) v West Indies
Centuries apiece for two young batsmen on day one in Durham.

McGeechan quits Wasps

Ian McGeechan has stepped down as director of rugby at Wasps after four seasons at the London club.


French Pyrenees: bad news bears

French Pyrenees: bad news bears

Popular with conservationists, Parisians and France's first lady, bears are back in Pyrenees - to the fury of sheep farmers.

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Eric Cantona's new Cannes-do attitude


Eric Cantona, the film-star, is fizzing with enthusiasm.

The pleasures of Cornish crab

Pleasures of Cornish crab

A Cornish artisan-fishmonger will supply shellfish by mail order.

The Catlin Arctic Survey

The Catlin Arctic Survey

Pen Hadow finds that polar ice is far thinner than expected.

Britain's theme parks: a summer guide

Britain's theme parks: a summer guide

With summer around the corner, Fred Mawer experiences the ups and downs of five popular British theme parks.

Sicily: Italy's ragged edge

Sicily is poor, scruffy and slightly sinister – but John Gimlette is captivated by its magnificence.

Astronauts reach Hubble

Hubble captured by the Atlantis space shuttle's robotic arm as it begins the mission to service the space telescope

Atlantis shuttle crew describe docking with telescope in an on-board interview and prepare for spacewalk.

Welcome to 'Gorkhaland'

Gorkhaland in the Darjeeling hills

The leader of the Gurkha Janmukti Morcha party speaks to Telegraph TV about his hopes for an independent state in Darjeeling hills.

Policeman kicks suspect in head

Policeman caught on camera kicking suspect in head

Video footage from a TV news helicopter following a high speed car chase in California shows a police officer kicking a man on the ground during an arrest.

Chelsea Flower Show 2009

Chelsea Flower Show

The drama, the tension, the build-up to the greatest flower show on earth.

Sign language: week 49

Sign language

Another selection of amusing signs sent in by readers on their travels.

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