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First-home buyers Mark Hudson and Louise Conley at their new home in Melbourne's Yarraville. Picture: David Geraghty Windfall helped couple

My Australia competition

'Hilton Hotel', at Middleton, Western Queensland. Picture: Hamish Elliott. Enter your photos in the My Australia competition.
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Prince Harry with Kuldip Dhillon

Prince Harry with polo friend Kuldip Dhillon, who has defended Prince Charles and his sons calling him the nickname 'Sooty'. Picture: Barcroft Pacific POLL | New royal racism row

Hillary Clinton talks about smart power in Senate

Hillary Clinton, watched by daughter Chelsea, tells a Senate hearing of the Obama administration's aim to use 'smart power'. Picture: AP Clinton flags direct Mid-East talks

John Howard medal

George Bush hangs the Presidential Medal of Freedom around John Howard's neck today. Picture: AFP Howard honoured | VIDEO | BLOG

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THE Government is under pressure to extend the boost to its first-home owner's grant as it has stemmed the fall in the housing market.

UP to 95 ADF members with post-traumatic stress disorder are being overlooked for mental health treatment each year.

MORE than 220 workers at the Argyle diamond mine in the Kimberley are facing the axe with production to be halted for three months.

FIJI is struggling to respond to its worst floods in 50 years, without the support that Australia and New Zealand usually provide.

Bodies of drug figure, wife found

AN underworld figure has been found in a deep bush grave along with his wife.

Jim Leng to be new Rio Tinto chairman

Jim Leng to be new Rio Tinto chairman

JIM Leng, deputy chairman of India's Tata Steel, will succeed Paul Skinner as chairman of debt-laden mining giant Rio Tinto in April.

US recession deepens: Fed's Beige Book

US recession deepens: Fed's Beige Book

THE US economy continued to weaken into 2009, a Federal Reserve report showed, as consumers were unswayed by deep holiday discounts.

US retail sales slump for a 6th month

US retail sales slump for a 6th month

US consumers slashed spending and drove retail sales down a sixth month in a row in December, deepening the recession.

Climate mutiny looms for Turnbull

THE Nationals are set to defy Malcolm Turnbull and vote in the Senate against the Rudd Government's planned emissions trading scheme.

Fair Work panders to unions

The Prime Minister and the Opposition must step in to prevent Julia Gillard from threatening jobs.

War trauma overlooked

UP to 95 Australian Defence Force members with post-traumatic stress disorder are being overlooked for mental health treatment on their ...

Optus fined for spamming

THE Australian Communications and Media Authority has slapped Optus with a $110,000 fine for allegedly breaching the Spam Act.

ASIC campaign 'may be gagging comment'

A SYDNEY lawyer has warned ASIC's campaign to stamp out rumour-mongering in the share market, or "rumourtrage", may have the unintended ...

Degrees still lure low-skill migrants

AUSTRALIA'S misguided trade in selling accounting degrees to migrants seeking permanent residency visas should be tightened up.

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David Uren

Full recovery a fair way off

GENEROUS grants to first-home buyers are set to become a fixture in the budget for the duration of the downturn. Read More


Fair Work panders to unions

The Prime Minister and the Opposition must step in to prevent Julia Gillard from threatening jobs, says Des Moore. Read More


Giving voice to anti-Semitism

THE most worrying development in Europe is the new culture that accommodates vitriol directed at Jews, writes Frank Furedi. Read More

Stephen Matchett

Year the economic ideas ran out

MOST people who predict the future are being extra cautious this year, what with the way none of them foresaw October's unpleasantness. Read More

Caroline Overington

Three amigos

THE Washington Post has come up with a new title for John Howard. He's America's "most inconvenient house guest". Add Comment

John Durie

Goyder paves way for raising

WESFARMERS has cleared the decks for a capital raising through yesterday's profit downgrade. Read More

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Nicholson Bill Leak


The show musn't go on

NEWS from England's Durham University that drinking too much coffee may increase the chances of experiencing hallucinations sent Acting Strewth scrambling to the cafeteria for a pair of quadruple espressos.

Mini Poll

The Australian's Online Poll

Are Prince Charles's and Prince Harry's uses of the nicknames Sooty and Paki racist?