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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

[ Back Issues ]

February 15, 1999

GP 3.16/3-2:20/04
(Vol. 20, no. 04)

Table of Contents







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Work with LPS on the Electronic Transition:
Expert Consultants Sought for 1999-2000

The Government Printing Office (GPO) Library Programs Service (LPS) is seeking two people for one-year appointments as Expert Consultants to work on the transition to a more electronic Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). We are looking for librarians or other information professionals associated with the depository library community who have a demonstrated interest and expertise in the creation, dissemination, use, or permanent public accessibility of electronic Government information products, and who would like to work with LPS on related issues and projects for one year.

Our current Expert Consultants are George Barnum from Case Western Reserve University, who will be with us through July 1999, and Judy Andrews of James Madison University, whose GPO tour ends in August 1999.

The Expert Consultant(s) will work on projects directly involved in the creation, dissemination, bibliographic control, use, or permanent public accessibility of electronic Government information products. Some of these projects are continuing efforts, and some will be new ones initiated in response to emerging opportunities.

During the next year we expect these positions to focus on:

  • outreach and liaison activities, both with Federal publishing agencies and depository libraries, for the purpose of establishing partnerships to bring additional electronic products into the FDLP;
  • an intensive review of LPS' cataloging program and operations, including GPO's suite of Pathway Services, to reduce duplication of effort and improve usability;
  • systems modernization efforts for LPS, including preliminary work to determine if a commercial, off-the-shelf local cataloging system software can support the LPS cataloging operation;
  • advancing efforts with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the National Agricultural Library (NAL), or other institutions to advance GPO’s permanent access initiatives;
  • working to coordinate FDLP activities with other Federal agencies, and other Federal units responsible for dissemination of Government information products;
  • drafting articles on issues pertaining to the FDLP’s electronic transition; delivering speeches or briefings on similar topics.

The Fine Print:

The successful candidates will be hired as "Expert Consultants" for a period of 12 months, with a starting date to be determined. While there is a possibility to be appointed for an additional 12 months, it is by no means guaranteed. Pay to be determined, based on applicant's salary history. Benefits include some vacation and sick leave. Retirement benefits, health insurance, and relocation expenses are not included.

The next opportunity to interview prospective candidates will be during the Federal Depository Conference and Spring Council meeting that will be held in Bethesda, MD, April 12-15, 1999.

If you are interested in one of these positions, whether or not you are planning to attend the conference, please contact us to arrange for an interview. Prospective candidates should submit a resume, and contact LPS to set up an interview or to request further information.

The LPS contacts are:

Gil Baldwin
Director, Library Programs Service
(202) 512-1002, fax (202) 512-1432

Robin Haun-Mohamed
Chief, Depository Administration Branch
(202) 512-1071, fax (202) 512-1432

Tad Downing
Chief, Cataloging Branch
(202) 512-1121, fax (202) 512-1432

If you have questions about the position(s), please feel free to contact George Barnum gbarnum@gpo.gov, or Judy Andrews jandrews@gpo.gov. They may both be reached by phone on (202) 512-1114 or by fax at (202) 512-1432.

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FBIS Reports on CD-ROM Governed by Use Restrictions

Depository librarians are reminded of the distribution conditions agreed upon by GPO and FBIS regarding the FBIS Reports on compact disc. As a reminder to all depositories, reference is made to Administrative Notes, vol. 18, no. 6, April 15, 1997, FBIS CD-ROM Dissemination Policy Affects Depository Libraries www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/ad041597.html#5.

Federal depository libraries may make the FBIS on CD-ROM available to the public for research. They may do this only on a stand-alone machine, and should not install it on a LAN. Federal depository libraries are advised that they may not legally permit the public to print or download the information contained on the For Official Use Only CD-ROM. Any other use may result in a claim of copyright or contract infringement from the original copyright holder(s). Public customers should be referred to NTIS' World News Connection Service.

Depository librarians are asked to bear in mind that due to the special nature of this product and the extraordinary conditions in which it is produced, violation of the agreement could jeopardize future distribution of this very popular and useful information product. Adherence to this policy is mandatory.

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SuDocs Letter: Destroy SAMHSA Directory

[The following letter was sent to all depositories in early February.]

January 29, 1999

Dear Depository Librarian:

The Library Programs Service (LPS) was apprised by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) that the National Directory of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Treatment and Prevention Programs, 1997 is defective. SAMHSA will provide a corrected version for distribution to the libraries in the near future.

Descriptive information on the defective publication:


National Directory of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Treatment and Prevention Programs, 1997, August 1998

Shipping List #:


Shipping List Date:

September 10, 1998

Item Number:


SuDocs Number:

HE 20.410/3:997

I am requesting that you immediately withdraw the defective publication and destroy it by any means that will prevent disclosure of its erroneous contents. Thank you for your cooperation and prompt attention to this matter.




Superintendent of Documents

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Migration of Physical Format Products to Online Distribution

[Handout · ALA · 1/30/99]

Discontinuing physical distribution of print products when reliable electronic alternatives are available is one of the transition actions identified in GPO’s 1996 Study to Identify Measures Necessary for a Successful Transition to a More Electronic Federal Depository Library Program. The Library Programs Service is making significant progress in its efforts to incorporate electronic Federal Government information products into the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). These efforts reflect LPS’ initial realization of the policies and plans for the FDLP Electronic Collection.

Candidates for delivery solely in electronic online format have to meet several specific criteria:

  • The title must be available on a Government web site that has a significant amount of content, including both current and back issues.
  • For those materials available only via an online application, LPS will either archive the material or otherwise provide for permanent public access via an agreement with the issuing agency or another partner such as a depository library.
  • The product cannot be a reference aid.
  • In evaluating titles for online electronic delivery only, we consider the number of selecting libraries before eliminating the physical versions. Generally, only titles selected by 500 or fewer libraries are considered.

Following these criteria, LPS will identify titles for online electronic delivery only, but delivery of the physical products will not be discontinued until the volume year is complete. If the title lacks volume numbers, the change will only be made at the beginning of the calendar year. LPS is now notifying libraries in the Administrative Notes Technical Supplement when a title is available online.

LPS is also beginning to implement the policy of disseminating new Government document periodical titles only in electronic format. When we determine that a new periodical title is available on a web site and meets the criteria listed above, we are not obtaining the duplicative tangible products, but are pointing libraries directly to the newly discovered online site. Only when the material is of exceptional value as a reference resource will LPS obtain tangible copies for distribution to the libraries.

In addition to the product migration criteria presented above, LPS is now guided by Appendix II of Managing the FDLP Electronic Collection: A Policy and Planning Document (October 1998), reproduced below. A copy of Managing the FDLP Electronic Collection has been sent to all depository libraries, and is available at www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/ecplan.html.

The Plan is shaping how we in LPS think about our role in developing the FDLP Electronic Collection, the relationship between the Electronic Collection and our cataloging and locator services, and our role in ensuring current and permanent public access to information provided through the FDLP. LPS staff are reviewing and applying the information in this Plan when making decisions concerning online resources.

Appendix II

Evaluation of Products for the Collection

[Note: The following is a sample worksheet for collecting the basic information necessary to evaluate products for consideration for the Collection. It is intended to be illustrative of a flexible outline of questions, the answers to which will provide the basis of any proposal for inclusion of a particular product in the Collection.]

  1. Does the product meet the criteria of 44 U.S.C. §1901-1902?
    1. Is the product a work of the U.S. Government, compiled or created in whole or in part or at government expense, or as required by law?
    2. Is the product excluded from consideration because it is:
      1. Required for official use only?
      2. For strictly operational or administrative purposes, having no public interest or educational value?
      3. Classified for reasons of national security?
      4. A cooperative product, as defined in 44 U.S.C. §1903 which must be sold in order to be self-sustaining?
  2. What is the importance and usability of the product for the FDLP user community?
    1. What is the product?
    2. What is the issuing agency?
    3. Is the product available in other formats or media?
      1. Are those alternatives currently included in the FDLP?
    4. What is the scope of the product?
      1. Is its purpose clearly defined?
      2. Is its intended audience stated?
    5. Authoritative nature of the product
      1. Is the issuing agency clearly discernible?
      2. Is there any endorsement (or disclaimer) of the authenticity of the information? (e.g., an electronic watermark, or other authentication device; a statement of authenticity or waiver of responsibility)
      3. Is the product being provided by the originating agency or by some intermediary?
    6. Currency/Periodicity
      1. What is the date or range of the information?
      2. Is the information time sensitive?
      3. Is the product serial?
        1. What is the publication or update schedule?
      4. Does the information replace older information?
        1. What happens to superseded information?
      5. Are links within the site current and reliable?
    7. Presentation/Utility
      1. Is navigating the site intuitive?
      2. Is software employed that is in use for other products in the FDLP?
      3. Is use of the product bound by proprietary software?
        1. Are there copyright or copyright-like restrictions?
        2. Is there licensing in effect to provide for FDLP access?
          1. Who holds the license?
          2. Who pays for the FDLP license(s)?
      4. If there are high-end features, such as audio, motion video, etc., are they essential to the use of the product?
  3. What priority does the product have in relation to other products in the FDLP?
    1. Would costs be incurred by GPO in adding the product to the FDLP Electronic Collection?
      1. Licensing of access software
      2. Other production costs
      3. Special hardware or software requirements
    2. How does the product relate to other media/formats?
      1. Is there a paper or microfiche equivalent?
      2. Is there an electronic equivalent?
      3. Is the equivalent product identical in content?
      4. Is there a clear preference discernible for one format or medium among potential users?
      5. If an equivalent is included in the FDLP, how heavily is it selected by depositories?

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Cataloging Branch Update

[Handout · ALA · 1/30/99]

Cataloging Operations

The transition to a more electronic Federal Depository Library Program has produced a complex assortment of interrelated works in all media. During calendar year 1998, 42,992 pieces in all media were received and 37,176 pieces were processed. As of January 12, 1999, the cataloging backlog includes approximately 11,000 pieces, most of which consists of serials in microfiche.

Most works in paper and CD-ROM and those available via the Internet are cataloged within one or two weeks of receipt. A backlog of approximately 400 Browse Electronic Titles (BET) entries remain to be cataloged. Most of the backlog in BET and physical forms consists of serials.


The Library Programs Service (LPS) has produced more than 2,200 PURLs (Persistent Uniform Resource Locators). PURLs provide electronic access to hundreds of works associated with records in the online version of the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications (MOCATWeb) and most of their Browse Electronic Titles equivalents. While PURLs depend upon human intervention and decision-making to maintain, they provide a favorable seamless environment for maintaining hot-linked access to Internet resources.

Records with URLs and PURLs, and Repeatability of Subfield "U" of the 856 Field

Readers of GOVDOC-L may be aware of recent discussions concerning the presence of both URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and PURLs in many of our cataloging records and of our occasional use of two, rather than one, subfield "u" in the 856 field. Current practices reflect advice received from OCLC in April of 1998. We have consulted with representatives of OCLC, with Arlene Weible, Chair, GODORT Cataloging Committee, and with Carol Bednar of the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer concerning these issues. We also have corresponded with officials of CONSER and MARBI (Machine Readable Bibliographic Information) to seek advice on preferred methods for providing online access to Internet related works.

We look forward to hearing the views of colleagues during this ALA meeting. We also value the opportunity presented to us to participate in the jointly sponsored FDTF (Federal Documents Task Force) and GODORT Cataloging Committee program on Sunday, January 31, 1999, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., in Room 103C in the Philadelphia Convention Center. We actively seek the advice of the Cataloging Committee and other organizations and expect to implement an approach to providing electronic access to Internet resources that meets the needs of as many libraries as possible.


MOCATWeb, the online version of the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, now contains more than 115,000 records from January 1994 through the present. With more than 2,200 records with PURLs and an estimated 4,000 or more older resources with URLs, an ever increasing number of records represent remotely accessible electronic resources. As many broken links to older electronic resources are restored, links are updated and maintained via the assignment of PURLs.

Monthly Catalog CD-ROM Edition

LPS issued a final cumulation of the first disc of the Monthly Catalog CD-ROM edition in late 1998 (GP 3.8/7:996-97/1-12/SPEC.ED, shipping list 99-0010-E, dated 12/01/98). This red disc, which contains 35,158 Monthly Catalog records from January 1996 through December 1997, as well as the Periodicals Supplement for 1996 and 1997, supersedes previously-issued CDs for that time span. Since this disc is not superseded, it must be retained for 5 years, and subsequent disposal must be in accordance with the Instructions to Depository Libraries.

During 1998, regular monthly discs had been issued containing new 1998 cataloging records as well as the cumulations from 1996 and 1997. However, when it became apparent that the disc would not accommodate the complete set of records for 1998, the decision was taken to cut off the first disc with 1997 and start a second disc with the 1998 records.

A new cumulative blue disc, containing records from January 1998 on, was first issued in November 1998 (GP 3.8/7:998/1-7, shipping list no. 99-0008-E, dated 11/18/98). This cumulation, which is updated monthly, contains the Periodicals Supplement for 1998 and Monthly Catalog records from January 1998 through the most recent month. When it is complete, we expect that this new cumulative disc will include all Monthly Catalog records for 1998 and 1999 issues and the Periodicals Supplement for 1998 and 1999.

Periodicals Supplement for 1999

The Periodicals Supplement paper edition is expected to be distributed in February 1999. The 1999 edition has 1,042 entries of which 512 are electronic documents with PURLs.

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Depository Administration Branch Update

[Handout · ALA · 1/30/99]

New Products And Services Update

O*NET 98, The Occupational Information Network, Keeping Pace With Today's Changing Workplace (CD-ROM ) was distributed to libraries on SL 99-0013-S, dated December 30, 1998 (L 37.25:OC 1/CD, Item 0744-G-04). The accompanying Data Dictionary and the User’s Guide were distributed under L 37.25:OC 1/DICTIO. and L 37.25:OC 1/GUIDE., respectively.

The House Report on the Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States, and the subsequent star print (corrected version) were distributed to all libraries in paper format. The original report was distributed on SL 99-0012-S (Y 1.1/8:105-830, Item 1004-E) and the star print was distributed on SL 99-0095-P (Y 1.1/8:105-830/CORR.).

The World Factbook 1998 (PREX 3.15:998, Item 0856-A-07) was distributed to libraries in paper format on SL 99-0012-S, dated December 23, 1998.

The 1998 IRS Federal Tax Products, Release 98.1 (CD-ROM) (T 22.51/4:9978/REL.98-1, Item 0923-B-01) was distributed to libraries in mid-January.

Copies of the U.S. Industry and Trade Outlook, FY 2000 will again be made available for distribution to the Federal depository libraries from NTIS. LPS will ship this title to the libraries as soon as it is received in LPS.

Public Health Reports (HE 20.30:, Item 0497) is now being published in coordination with Oxford University Press effective with the 1999 issues. As a result of discussions between LPS and Oxford University Press, depository libraries will continue to receive copies of Public Health Reports in paper format in their shipment boxes.

LPS expects to distribute the December issue of USA Trade, a new CD-ROM product from the Census Bureau, and STAT-USA in January. The database provides access to 17,000 import and 9,000 export commodities at the first level of detail.

The American Factfinder, the new data system from the Census Bureau, is expected to be available in late January. Depository librarians are familiar with the new system, as during its development the system was known as the Data Access and Dissemination System (DADS). The system will find and retrieve specific geographic information from some of the Census Bureau's largest databases. In January 1999, data from the 1996 & 1997 American Community Survey, the 1997 Economic Census, and the 1990 Decennial Census of Population and Housing will be available. Beginning in March 1999, information from the Census 2000 Dress Rehearsal should also be available.

Full-Service Microfiche Contracts

The Microfiche Control Section prepared almost 39,000 titles in FY 1998 for shipment under the 15 full-service microfiche contracts currently in place for FDLP material. Four microfiche contractors currently provide services for LPS. A fifth contractor, Lake George Industries, has filed for bankruptcy. We have reacquired all but three of the titles assigned to Lake George Industries and have sent them to another contractor for processing.

LPS is putting additional resources into monitoring microfiche contract compliance and reviewing current processing procedures. LPS will also add a second microfiche inspector. A third step we are taking is to add to each new contract the requirement for the contractor to obtain the libraries’ item selection profile from an anonymous FTP site on a weekly basis. About half of the contracts already have this requirement in place.

Classification for Post Year 2000 Publications

The use of four digits in SuDocs classification numbers for year 2000 and beyond is covered in the GPO Classification Manual (GP 3.29:P88/993) on page 38. For example, Projections of Education Statistics to 2008, was distributed to libraries on SL 98-0269-P and classed as ED 1.120:2008. Questions on how to apply the rule should be directed to LPS on the askLPS inquiry form at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/asklpsin.html or by e-mail to asklps@gpo.gov.

List of Classes

The List of Classes (Item 0556-C, GP 3.24:) will change frequency from quarterly to a twice yearly effective with the March 1999 issue. The number of copies distributed to each library will change from two copies to one, yielding an estimated printing cost savings of $19,000 per year. The online List of Classes is updated on the first Friday of each month and is located on the Federal Bulletin Board (FBB) at http://fedbbs.access.gpo.gov/libs/class.htm.

WEBTech Notes

Updated information about new item and classification numbers is located on the online WEBTech Notes database. Uploaded every one to two weeks, the WEBTech Notes database is located at www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/webtech.html; or in .dbf format on the FBB at http://fedbbs.access.gpo.gov/libs/webtechn.htm.

Superseded List

LPS is converting the Superseded List to a Web searchable database, beginning with tangible electronic products (i.e., CD-ROMs) already distributed through the program. LPS has recruited 30 government documents specialists to serve on a Superseded List Update Committee. Anyone interested in participating should contact Joe Paskoski of the LPS Electronic Transition Staff: 202-512-1698, fax: 202-512-1432, e-mail jpaskoski@gpo.gov.

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Depository Services Update

[Handout · ALA · 1/30/99]


The 8th annual Federal Depository Library Conference and the spring meeting of the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer are scheduled for April 12-15 in Bethesda, Maryland. A one-day meeting for Regional librarians will be held on April 11. The Holiday Inn-Bethesda will be the conference hotel. The preliminary agenda appeared in the December 15, 1998 Administrative Notes along with hotel and conference registration forms and area maps. You may register on the Web at www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/99conreg.html.

The 12th annual Interagency Depository Seminar is scheduled for June 2-9, 1999 in Washington, DC. The preliminary agenda was announced in the October 15, 1998 Administrative Notes. The registration and hotel information was also included. The deadline for registration is March 12.


In October 1999, depository librarians and their directors whose depository operations were last inspected in 1994 will be notified to submit a mandatory self-study. The states include Arkansas, California, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. The due date for these self-studies will be January 15, 2000.

Self-Study Review Committee

A group of volunteers, including a member of the Depository Library Council, regional librarians, selectives, a selective housing site, and Depository Services Staff are reviewing the text of the Self-Study of a Federal Depository Library. This short-term assignment’s goals are eliminating some questions, shortening or clarifying others to elicit more appropriate answers, and adding questions to address issues not envisioned in 1996. The revised Self-Study will be available by late summer 1999.

1997 Biennial Survey

Staff is compiling Findings of the 1997 Biennial Survey for publication in 1999. The raw data files, including the survey text, data conversion table, and responses in comma-delimited format, have been available since April 1998 from the Federal Bulletin Board at <http://fedbbs.access.gpo.gov/libs/lps_info.htm>.

1999 Biennial Survey

The Statistical Measurement Committee of the Depository Library Council and Depository Services Staff have prepared questions for the 1999 Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries. The survey will include optional questions to elicit basic cost data of being a depository, e.g., salaries, equipment, etc. In order for depository staff to begin gathering figures for the optional cost questions, the text of the Biennial Survey will be released in spring 1999. The submission of the Survey answers via the WWW will occur in fall 1999.

FDLP Internet Use Policy Guidelines

GPO has issued new FDLP Internet Use Policy Guidelines in the January 15, 1999 Administrative Notes. All depository libraries must offer free access to online Federal Government information provided through the Federal Depository Library Program. This follows the same principle of free access that governs the use of traditional depository materials, as provided in Section 1911 of Title 44, United States Code. GPO’s Office of General Counsel has reviewed the policy for consistency with Title 44, United States Code, and with the earlier issued Depository Library Public Service Guidelines for Government Information in Electronic Formats which appeared in the September 15, 1998 issue of Administrative Notes.

State Plans

GPO encourages each state to prepare a plan to coordinate the Federal Depository Library Program within each state or region and to outline strategies to reach those goals. A State Plan can foster communication and cooperation, promote partnerships, and distribute responsibilities among the depositories in the state. "How to Draft a State Plan," was presented by Paula Kaczmarek, Detroit Public Library, and Stephen Henson, Louisiana Tech University, at the April 1998 Regional meeting. Their checklist of activities appeared on pages 3-5 in the Proceedings of the 7th Annual Federal Depository Library Conference that was distributed to all depositories in paper and is available at: www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/98pro2.html.

Federal Depository Libraries

As of January 15, 1999, there are 1,353 Federal depository libraries of which 53 are regionals and 1,300 selectives.

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Electronic Transition Staff Update

[Handout · ALA · 1/30/99]

Building the FDLP Electronic Collection

Work was completed on Managing the FDLP Electronic Collection: A Policy and Planning Document, known as "the collection plan," in late 1998. The published document has been distributed to all depositories and many interested stakeholders, and is available on GPO Access at www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/ecplan.html. Although the document is published and the plan is in effect, LPS considers the plan a work in progress and welcomes comments from the depository community. With the plan in place, the Electronic Transition Staff (ETS) has begun to work with the other operational areas within the Library Programs Service to identify and implement the steps that will bring its provisions into practice.

The first major activity was to establish an exploratory, cross-organizational team of staff from the Depository Administration Branch, Cataloging Branch, Electronic Information Dissemination Services, and the Electronic Transition Staff. The team met for a two-week long exercise in identifying issues and developing strategies for building the electronic collection. This experience has led to many activities and explorations that will be presented to the Federal Documents Task Force during this conference. ETS also continues to make presentations on the plan to interested groups, the most recent of which was the Federal Publishers Committee, a group of agency publishing officials, on January 19.



The 22 libraries in the NTIS Pilot Project have all received (or will be receiving shortly) login and password information and instructions for using the pilot system. Staff from LPS visited the NTIS offices in December to view the user interface and finalize arrangements with NTIS staff. Users will be able to search in a database of 35,000 image documents and download to their own computers.

FDLP/ERIC Digital Library Pilot Project

The active phase of the FDLP/ERIC Pilot Project concluded on December 31, 1998. Final surveys have been distributed to all 305 libraries in the pilot group and were due back to GPO by January 20. Results from the mid-term survey will be combined with final survey information and use statistics compiled by project partner OCLC, and a final report will be issued in the first quarter of 1999.

National Civil Aviation Review Commission

The University of North Texas has taken on permanent access responsibility for the web site of the National Civil Aviation Review Commission, which ceased operation in late 1997. Based on the model for the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, GPO and the University of North Texas have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding that assures permanent access to the Commission materials on the site. Notices advising users of the status of the commission have been added to the site at www.library.unt.edu/gpo/ncarc/ncarc.html.

New Partnership Model

The role of partnerships in providing ongoing access to Government information is evolving. Our initial model was a three party agreement between an agency, a cooperating institution, and GPO, with GPO in the role of facilitator and safety net. We have begun to draft a model agreement in which GPO plays a more active role in identifying, "acquiring," and providing access to information products, and facilitates permanent storage with an institutional partner such as a library or university. This new model will better position GPO to offer a useful service to agency publishers and to gain the benefits of permanent access for the FDLP and the public.

Digital Publications Preservation Steering Committee

Electronic Transition Staff are representing GPO on a Steering Committee organized by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) which will implement the Framework for the Preservation of and Permanent Public Access to USDA Digital Publications. The Framework was developed out of the work of a conference co-sponsored by GPO, the National Agricultural Library, and Cornell University in 1997. The Steering Committee is meeting quarterly to address issues of inventory and life cycle management of USDA digital publications, technical requirements, and user access and retrieval.

Depository Web Site URL Survey

ETS coordinated a Depository Web Site URL Survey in late 1998, working with other LPS staff and GPO Production. Very shortly those URLs gathered from the Survey will be added as hot links to our Library Directory Open Text Web searchable database at www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/ldirect.html">www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/ldirect.html and also the Locate Federal Depository Libraries by State or Area Code at http://www.gpo.gov/libraries. Libraries can add, modify, or have a URL deleted via the Depository Directory Update Form.

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Still Time to Register for Interagency Depository Seminar

There is still room and time to register for the 12th Annual Interagency Depository Seminar being held in Washington, DC from June 2 through June 9, 1999. Presentations will focus on various agencies' information products and activities as they relate to Federal depository libraries. Presenters include:

  • Bureau of the Census
  • Copyright Office
  • Library of Congress
  • Office of the Federal Register
  • Patent and Trademark Office
  • Government Printing Office
  • National Center for Health Statistics
  • ERIC Clearinghouse
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Department of Justice
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

For a preliminary agenda and other details see Administrative Notes, v. 19, no. 12 (10/15/98). It may be viewed at <www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/ad101598.html#1>.


A block of suites has been reserved for seminar participants at the St. James Hotel. The hotel is located at 950 24th Street NW, Washington, DC, one block from the Foggy Bottom Metro station. Attendees can take the Metro train from Washington’s Reagan National Airport to the hotel and to Union Station, which is about a block from GPO. The Library of Congress can be reached by Metro or by walking from GPO.

A suite (bedroom, kitchen complete with china and cookware, and dining area) is available for the government rate of $126.00 per night for single or double occupancy. The extra person charge for triple occupancy is $20.00. The room rate is subject to additional Washington, DC taxes that are currently 13%, and $3.00 per night occupancy tax. Overnight parking is $17.00. If you wish to reserve a suite at the St. James Hotel, you should call as soon as a seminar reservation is confirmed by GPO. Hotel reservations must be made no later than April 29, 1999.

The phone number of the reservation desk at the St. James Hotel is (202) 457-0500 or (800) 852-8512. Please tell the reservation clerk that you are attending the GPO seminar and quote the above room rate. If you are interested in sharing a suite with 1 or 2 librarians attending the seminar, John Tate at LPS will try to match up roommates. You may contact him by telephone on (202) 512-1119 or via e-mail at <jtate@gpo.gov>.

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1999 Interagency Depository Seminar

Registration Form

Mail to: Chief, Depository Services Mail by: March 12, 1999

Library Programs Service (SLLD)

U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, DC 20401


I would like to attend the June 2-9, 1999 Interagency Depository Seminar.


I need lodging and will contact the hotel directly.

I have not previously attended this GPO-sponsored seminar.


Enclosed is my check for $12.00 payable to "GPO Cafeteria Service."


Please type or print clearly:


Depository #




Institution Name


Library Name


Street Address


City/State/Zip Code+4


Telephone (include area code)


Internet E-mail Address



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Revised Agenda

Depository Library Council &
Federal Depository Conference

April 12 - 15, 1999
Holiday Inn-Bethesda
Bethesda, MD


Sunday, April 11



All day meeting of regional librarians




  • Sheila M. McGarr, Chief, Depository Services, LPS, GPO
  • Francis J. Buckley, Jr., Superintendent of Documents

Versailles IV


Developing Regional Web Pages for Selectives

  • Steve Beleu, Director, U.S. Government Information, Oklahoma Department of Libraries
  • Suzanne Holcombe, Assistant Documents Librarian, Oklahoma State University
  • Jan Swanbeck, Head, Documents Department, University of Florida





Incorporating the NRC Legacy Collection Into the FDLP

  • Elizabeth J. Yeates, Chief, Public Documents Program Section, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • LPS Staff


Regional Manuals/Superseded Electronic Publications

  • Daniel C. Barkley, Interim Director, Government Documents Department, University of New Mexico







Videoconference: For Training and Communication

  • Sandra Fritz, Federal Documents Coordinator, Illinois State Library

Versailles IV


Wrap Up

  • Sheila M. McGarr, LPS, GPO





Orientation to the Depository Library Council and Federal Depository Library Conference

This session is designed to acquaint first-time attendees with how Council works and to preview Conference activities over the next 3 ½ days.

  • Cynthia L. Etkin, Library Inspector, LPS, GPO, Facilitator
  • Gail Snider, Library Inspector, LPS, GPO, Facilitator

Versailles IV


Informal pre-dinner get-together to network by food preference

Hotel Lobby

Monday, April 12





Registration and Coffee with Council and GPO Staff

2nd floor


Welcome & Remarks

  • Thomas K. Andersen, Council Chair
  • Michael F. DiMario, Public Printer

Versailles I-IV


GPO Update

  • Francis J. Buckley, Jr., Superintendent of Documents
  • Gil Baldwin, Director, Library Programs Service, GPO
  • T.C. Evans, Assistant Director, Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS), GPO





GPO Update (continued)

  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Depository Administration Branch, LPS, GPO
  • Thomas A. Downing, Chief, Cataloging Branch, LPS, GPO
  • George D. Barnum, Electronic Transition Specialist, LPS, GPO







Depository Library Promotional Materials, Order Forms, and Upcoming Marketing Efforts

  • Staff, Promotion & Advertising, GPO

Registration Table


Depository Library Council

  • Committee Reports and Recommendations for Council Action

Versailles I


New Documents Librarians

Informal session to answer questions from mundane to complex about depository operational issues. For new documents librarians or those who feel "new" to any aspect of depository librarianship. Veteran documents librarians from a variety of backgrounds plus LPS staff will be available.

  • Vicki A. Barber, Chief, Depository Distribution Division, LPS, GPO, Facilitator
  • Sheila M. McGarr, Chief, Depository Services, LPS, GPO, Facilitator

Versailles II


Introduction to DVD

  • Carol F. Cini, Associate Director, Institute for Federal Printing and Electronic Publishing, GPO

PTO and DVD Technology

  • Bruce B. Cox, Manager, Optical Disc Publishing Program, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Versailles III


GPO Access (demonstration): All Databases

Part I: Introduction and Overview

  • Selene T. Dalecky, Analyst, EIDS, GPO
  • Karie T. Lew, Analyst, EIDS, GPO

Versailles IV


LPS Tour



NOAA Central Library Tour



U.S. Senate Library Tour

Russell Bldg.


STAT-USA/Internet Demonstration

Reagan Bldg.





Partners in GIS: Establishing Partnerships to Provide Access to Government Data and Metadata to Citizens

  • Kenwood E. Giffhorn, Deputy Secretary, Management and Technical Services, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
  • Maurie C. Kelly, Project Coordinator, Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access, Environmental Resources Research Institute
  • Todd Bacastow, GIS Coordinator, Pennsylvania State University
  • Christopher Pfeiffer, PASDA Metadata Specialist, Pennsylvania State University

Versailles I


NTIS/GPO Electronic Image Format Pilot Project

  • Walter L. Finch, Associate Director for Business Development, National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce

Versailles III


GPO Access (demonstration)

Part II: New Products and Q & A

  • Selene T. Dalecky, Analyst, EIDS, GPO
  • Karie T. Lew, Analyst, EIDS, GPO

Versailles IV


Depository Library Council Working Session


Tuesday, April 13





Coffee with Council & GPO Staff

2nd floor


Depository Library Council: Plenary Session

Assessment of Electronic Government Information Products: Final Report

  • Woody Horton, Consultant, National Commission on Libraries and Information Science

Versailles I-IV


Depository Library Council: Plenary Session






Building the FDLP Electronic Collection

  • Judy Andrews, Electronic Transition Specialist, LPS, GPO
  • Laurie B. Hall, Program Analyst, LPS, GPO







Depository Library Promotional Materials, Order Forms, and Upcoming Marketing Efforts

  • Staff, Promotion & Advertising, GPO

Registration Table


Depository Library Council Working Session



Federal Agency Update Session, Part I

DOE Information Bridge: One Year Later

  • Kathleen Chambers, Project Manager, Office of Scientific & Technical Information, U.S. Department of Energy

1997 Economic Census and Decennial Census

  • John C. Kavaliunas, Assistant Chief, Marketing Services Office, Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce

STAT-USA Products

  • Ken Rogers, Director, STAT-USA, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce

Versailles I-II


Digitizing Collections of Government Information: Options, Processes, Costs

  • Cathy N. Hartman, Documents Librarian, University of North Texas

Electronic Resource Library of Plutonium Information: Vision and Reality (demonstration)

  • Karen Ruddy, Director, Electronic Resource Library Project, Amarillo College

Versailles III


GPO Access (demonstration): Advanced Search Techniques

  • Selene T. Dalecky, Analyst, EIDS, GPO
  • Karen E. Sieger, Analyst, EIDS, GPO

Versailles IV


Spreading the Riches Around: Administering Selective Housing Arrangements from the Law Library Perspective

  • Robert C. Richards, Jr., Technical Services and Documents Librarian, University of Colorado Law Library
  • Sharon Blackburn, Government Documents Librarian, Texas Tech University School of Law Library
  • Martha Jo Sani, Assistant Librarian, Business Library, University of Colorado
  • Laurel Stiebler, Government Documents Coordinator, Minnesota State Law Library



LPS Tour



Library of Congress Serial & Government Publications Division Tour



U.S. Senate Library Tour

Russell Bldg.





Federal Agency Update Session, Part II

A Digital Library of the State of the Environment; How To Use on the Web and on a Web-connected CD-ROM (demonstration)

  • Brand L. Niemann, Digital Librarian and Computer Specialist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Federal Emergency Management Agency (demonstration)

  • Marc W. Wolfson, Public Affairs Specialist, Office of Emergency Information and Public Affairs, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Elaws: Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses (demonstration)

  • Roland G. Droitsch, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of labor

Versailles I-II


PURLS: What Do I Need to Know? Working With PURLS in Your Local Catalog

  • Nan L. Myers, Government Documents Librarian, Wichita State University
  • Arlene Weible, Government Documents Librarian, Willamette University

Versailles III


GPO Access (demonstration): Advanced Search Techniques (continued)

  • Selene T. Dalecky, Analyst, EIDS, GPO
  • Karen E. Sieger, Analyst, EIDS, GPO

Versailles IV


American FactFinder (DADS) (demonstration)

  • Speaker TBA, Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce


Wednesday, April 14





Coffee with Council & GPO Staff

2nd floor


Depository Library Council Working Session

Draft Recommendations and Action Items



Open Forum: Sales Program

  • James T. Cameron, Acting Chief, Promotion & Advertising, GPO
  • Alan E. Ptak, Chief, Sales Management Division, GPO
  • Denise L. Thompson, Chief, Order Division, GPO



Federal Agency Update Session, Part III

National Partnership for Reinventing Government (demonstration)

  • Patricia B. Wood, Web Manager, National Partnership for Reinventing Government

O*Net (demonstration)

  • Donna Dye, O*Net Project Manager, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor

National Park Service (demonstration)

  • David Nathanson, Chief of Library and Archives Services, National Park Service Harpers Ferry Center

Versailles I


Disasters: Plans, Clean-up, and Recovery

  • Mary M. Finley, U.S. Documents Librarian, California State University, Northridge
  • Gail Fithian, Coordinator of Government Documents, Boston Public Library
  • Fred C. Schmidt, Government Documents Specialist, Colorado State University
  • Joan Loftus, U.S. Government Documents Bibliographer, Stanford University

Versailles II


Improving Quality of Documents Reference Service

  • John W. Graham, Head, Public Documents and Patents, Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
  • Lillie J. Dyson, Public Libraries and State Networking Branch Chief, Maryland State Department of Education

Web Pages for Training and Reference

  • Kay Collins, U.S. Government Information Librarian, University of California, Irvine

Versailles III


Speaker and Topic TBA

Versailles IV


Depository Library Promotional Materials, Order Forms, and Upcoming Marketing Efforts

  • Staff, Promotion & Advertising, GPO

Registration Table





LPS Tour



Library of Congress Serial and Government Publications Division Tour



National Library of Medicine Tour



NOAA Central Library Tour



USDA Digital Publications Preservation Framework

  • Pamela Q. Andre, Director, National Agricultural Library, U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Speaker TBA

Versailles I


How to Manipulate Federal Bulletin Board Files

  • Margaret J. Boeringer, Documents Librarian, Pace University Law Library
  • James M. Mauldin, Publications Management Specialist, LPS, GPO
  • David J. Nuzzo, Acquisitions Librarian, State University of New York at Buffalo

Versailles II


Hints on Writing the GPO Self-Study

  • Stephen Henson, Documents Librarian, Louisiana Tech University
  • Gail Snider, Library Inspector, LPS, GPO

Versailles III


GPO Access Open Forum

  • T.C. Evans, Assistant Director, EIDS, GPO, Facilitator

Versailles IV


FDLP Administration Web Pages (demonstration)

  • Joseph P. Paskoski, Analyst, LPS, GPO








Depository Library Council Working Session



Federal Agency Update Session, Part IV

Department of Veterans Affairs (demonstration)

  • Walter R. Houser, Webmaster, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

National Climatic Data Center (demonstration)

  • Kenneth Davidson, Deputy Director, National Climatic Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Cancer Institute

  • Nancy Brun, Chief, Information Resources Branch, National Cancer Institute

Versailles I


CD-ROMs in a Webbed World

  • Cynthia L. Etkin, Library Inspector, LPS, GPO

Versailles II


Future Colleagues: Documents Education in Library and Information Science Programs

  • Timothy C. Hartnett, Associate Librarian, Plattsburgh State University
  • Judith S. Robinson, Associate Professor, School of Information and Library Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo
  • Cassandra Hartnett, U.S. Documents Librarian, University of Washington
  • William Sudduth, Reference Librarian, University of Richmond

Versailles III


GPO Access (demonstration): All Databases

Part I: Introduction and Overview

  • Selene T. Dalecky, Analyst, EIDS, GPO
  • Karie T. Lew, Analyst, EIDS, GPO

Versailles IV


LPS Tour



National Library of Medicine Tour



U.S. Senate Library Tour

Russell Bldg.





Federal Agency Update Session, Part V

Bureau of Labor Statistics (demonstration)

  • Deborah P. Klein, Associate Commissioner for Publications and Special Studies, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor

Bureau of Justice Statistics (demonstration)

  • Kathy Quinn, Project Supervisor, Bureau of Justice Statistics Clearinghouse

National Center for Education Statistics (demonstration)

  • Gerald Malitz, Webmaster, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education

Versailles I


Speaker and Topic TBA

Versailles II


The Ins and Outs (Literally) of Documents Processing

  • Vicki A. Barber, Chief, Depository Distribution Division, LPS, GPO
  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Depository Administration Branch, LPS, GPO

Versailles III


GPO Access (demonstration)

Part II: New Products and Q & A

  • Selene T. Dalecky, Analyst, EIDS, GPO
  • Karie T. Lew, Analyst, EIDS, GPO

Versailles IV


Thursday, April 15





Coffee with Council & GPO Staff

2nd floor


Partnerships on the Web: FDLP Partnering to Provide Access to Electronic Resources

FDLP Partnerships: Origins and Underlying Issues

  • Duncan M. Aldrich, Head, Business & Government Information Center, University of Nevada, Reno

DOSFAN: Launching the Partnership System

  • John A. Shuler, Head, Documents Department, University of Illinois, Chicago

Constructing a Partnership: Nuts and Bolts Perspective

  • Donna P. Koepp, Head, Government Documents & Maps Library, University of Kansas
  • Additional Speaker TBA

GPO and FDLP Partnerships: Coordinator’s Perspective

  • George D. Barnum, Electronic Transition Specialist, LPS, GPO

Versailles I-III





Depository Library Council: Plenary Session

Report of Draft Recommendations and Action Items (including audience response and comments)



Closing Remarks

  • Michael F. DiMario, Public Printer





Addresses for Tours:

GPO: 732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC

LC: 101 Independence Avenue SE, Madison Building, Washington, DC

NLM: Building 8, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD

NOAA: 1315 East-West Highway, Suite 2000, Silver Spring, MD

Reagan: 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC

Russell: 1st and Constitution Avenue NE, Washington, DC



STAT-USA/Internet Demonstration

One STAT-USA demonstration session will be held for depository librarians attending the April 1999 Federal Depository Conference. STAT-USA focuses on economic, financial, trade, demographic, and statistical data. This session is an introductory demonstration on how to use the online STAT-USA. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) also will have a booth on-site and have staff available to answer questions on BEA products.

Date: Monday, April 12, 1999

Sponsor: STAT-USA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce

Location: Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC

Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Seating is limited to 50. Registration must be received by March 31, 1999. To reserve a seat, contact Ken Rogers by

  1. Fax: (202) 482-2164
  2. -or-

  3. e-mail: krogers@doc.gov

STAT-USA will contact you to verify your reservation.


Federal Depository Library Conference & Depository Library Council

April 12-15, 1999 and Regional Librarians’ Meeting, April 11, 1999


Hotel Registration Form

Holiday Inn-Bethesda • 8120 Wisconsin Avenue

Bethesda, MD 20814

Phone: (301) 652-2000

Fax: (301) 652-4525


Deadline for negotiated hotel room rate of $126.00: March 11, 1999

Please reserve accommodations for:





Sharing room with:_________________________________________________

Arrival date/time:_______________________________(check-in after 4:00 p.m.)

Departure date/time:_________________________________(check-out by noon)

Select type room desired: ____Smoking ____Non-smoking

____Single (one person/one bed)

____Double (two people/one bed)

____Double (two people/two beds)


____Triple (three people/1-2 beds)

____Quad (four people/two beds)


Requires handicap room (check one): ____mobility ____hearing impaired ____visually impaired

To guarantee your reservation, please indicate your credit card information below:

____American Express ____Visa ____MasterCard ____Discover ____Diners Club

Card #: _____________________________________Expiration date: _____________________

Signature: __________________________________________________Date: ______________


For Hotel Use:







Federal Depository Library Conference & Depository Library Council

April 12-15, 1999 and Regional Librarians’ Meeting, April 11, 1999


Conference Registration Form

Register via the Web by March 26, 1999




Depository Library Number (if applicable): ________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Institution: _________________________________________________________

Library Name: ______________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

City: State: Zip ______________

Phone: ____________________________________________________________

Internet Address:____________________________________________________

____ I am new to U.S. Government documents (3 years or less)

____ I am a first-time attendee

____ I am a former Depository Library Council member

____ I am from a Regional library

Library Type: ___ Academic ___ Public ___ Law ___ Other




If you are unable to use the Web registration form, mail, fax, or e-mail this form to:

Chief, Depository Services Fax: 202-512-1432
Library Programs Service (SLLD)smcgarr@gpo.gov
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20401



Transportation Tips from Washington Area Airports


Reagan Washington National Airport

15 miles to Holiday Inn-Bethesda





(800) 258-3826, press 2

$17, 1 person

$8, each additional person going to the same location

Walk to the south end of the main terminal near Northwest Airlines. Follow the Washington Flyer/Super Shuttle signs to the ticket counter.



Sunday one-way fare

Walk through main terminal to National Airport Metro station. Take Yellow line train marked MT. VERNON SQ-UDC to Gallery Place station. Change to Red line train marked SHADY GROVE or GROSVENOR and exit at the Medical Center station (travel time: 40 minutes). The hotel is a 10-minute walk south on Wisconsin Avenue from the subway.

Holiday Inn-Bethesda van: Cross over to the "Kiss and Ride" parking lot. Look for either a green or white hotel van marked Holiday Inn-Bethesda (leaves the hotel on the hour and half-hour).



Take George Washington Parkway North to the Capitol Beltway I-495 to Maryland. Take Exit 34 (Wisconsin Avenue) Route 355. Follow Route 355 past Bethesda Naval Hospital on the left and the National Institutes of Health on the right. Hotel is 2 miles south of I-495, on the right-hand side across from an Amoco gas station, between Battery Lane and Cordell Avenue.



Washington Dulles International Airport

25 miles to Holiday Inn-Bethesda





(800) 258-3826, press 2

$20, 1 person

$10, each additional person going to the same location

After exiting the main terminal, pick up is at curbs 1C and 1F.

Washington Flyer van & Metro

$8.00, 1 person one-way van fare


Sunday one-way Metro fare

Take the Washington Flyer van from Dulles to the West Falls Church Metro station (travel time: 20 minutes).

Take the Orange line train marked NEW CARROLLTON to the Metro Center station. Change to Red line train marked SHADY GROVE or GROSVENOR and exit at the Medical Center station (travel time: 50 minutes). The hotel is a 10-minute walk south on Wisconsin Avenue from the subway.

Holiday Inn-Bethesda van: Cross over to the "Kiss and Ride" parking lot. Look for either a green or white hotel van marked Holiday Inn-Bethesda (leaves the hotel on the hour and half-hour).



Take Dulles Access road to I-495 North (Baltimore/Bethesda, Exit 18) toward Maryland. Take Exit 34 (Wisconsin Avenue) Route 355. Follow Route 355 past Bethesda Naval Hospital on the left and the National Institutes of Health on the right. Hotel is 2 miles south of I-495, on the right-hand side across from an Amoco gas station, between Battery Lane and Cordell Avenue.



Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI)

35 miles to Holiday Inn-Bethesda





(800) 258-3826, press 2

$24, 1 person

$5, each additional person going to the same location

Pick-up is on the lower level, Ground Transportation, between baggage claim carousels 3 & 4.

Shuttle, Amtrak, & Metro


one-way Amtrak fare


Sunday one-way Metro fare

Take the free shuttle bus to the BWI rail station. Pick up an Amtrak train to Union Station (travel time: 30 minutes). At Union Station, take the down escalators to the Metro. Enter the Red line train marked SHADY GROVE or GROSVENOR and exit at the Medical Center station (travel time: 20 minutes). The hotel is a 10-minute walk south on Wisconsin Avenue from the subway.

Holiday Inn-Bethesda van: Cross over to the "Kiss and Ride" parking lot. Look for either a green or white hotel van marked Holiday Inn-Bethesda (leaves the hotel on the hour and half-hour).



From BWI, take I-95 South to I-495 West (Silver Spring-Northern VA). Take Exit 33 (Connecticut Avenue). At the end of the ramp, make a left turn towards Chevy Chase. At the first light, turn right onto Jones Bridge Road. Drive approximately 1 mile to Rockville Pike (Wisconsin Avenue), turning left onto Rockville Pike and driving for ¼ mile. Hotel is on the right-hand side across the street from an Amoco gas station between Battery Lane and Cordell Avenue.



Upcoming FDLP Events

Regionals Meeting

Apr. 11 Bethesda, MD

Spring Depository Library Council/

Federal Depository Conference

April 12 – 15 Bethesda, MD

Interagency Depository Seminar

June 2 – 9 Washington, DC


Fall Depository Library Council Meeting

Oct. 18 – 21 Kansas City, MO

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Administrative Notes is published in Washington, DC by the Superintendent of Documents, LibraryPrograms Service, Government Printing Office, for the staffs of U.S. Federal Depository Libraries. It is published monthly, onthe 15th day of each month; some months may have additional issues. Postmaster send address changes to:

The Editor
Administrative Notes
U.S. Government Printing Office
Library Programs Service, SLLD
Washington, DC 20401

Internet access at URL: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/index.html
Editor: Marian W. MacGilvray (202) 512-1119 mmacgilvray@gpo.gov

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: May 10, 2002  
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad021599.html
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