Friday January 2, 2009

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Reuters/Suhaib Salem - Smoke rises over the main Hamas security complex following an Israel air strike in Gaza.

Save to My Portfolio Memo to the President: Renew Diplomacy in the Middle East

Monday, January 05, 2009
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Washington, DC

As Israel continues devastating strikes against Hamas targets in Gaza, calls for a negotiated settlement are coming from capitals around the world. The next president's already complicated agenda for the Middle East—including withdrawing from Iraq and capping Iran’s nuclear ambitions—is now topped by promoting a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace. On January 5, Martin Indyk and Kenneth Pollack will offer a public memo to President-elect Obama with recommendations on how to deal with the urgent challenges that will confront him across the volatile region. Read More

Middle East, Diplomacy, Arab-Israeli Relations, Iraq, Iran


Reuters/Enrique de la Osa - Women walk past a graffiti celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution in Havana December 30, 2008.

Save to My Portfolio Cuba at Fifty

Vicki Huddleston, December 31, 2008

January 1, 2009 marked the 50th anniversary of Fidel Castro's revolution and ascension to power in Cuba. Vicki Huddleston reviews the family feud across the Florida Straits and argues that a changed world offers opportunities to those Cuban Americans and Cubans bold enough to bury the past and build a future friendship among all Cubans and Americans. Read More

Cuba, Latin America

SPOTLIGHT: Energy Security

Reuters/Fred Prouser - Oil is pumped from the wells at Port of Long Beach in California.

Save to My Portfolio Rethinking “Energy Independence”

Pietro S. Nivola, December 29, 2008

Political leaders repeatedly point out that our current addiction to foreign oil is a matter of national security. In a Brookings paper, Pietro Nivola challenges the assumption that the less oil the U.S. buys from abroad, the more insulated our economy will be from vagaries of the international oil market. Read More

Energy Security, Climate and Energy Economics, U.S. Economic Growth, U.S. Economy

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Q&A with Gary Burtless

The Credit Crisis and the Auto Industry

Gary Burtless says the credit crisis has caused a serious domino effect: consumers can’t borrow to buy goods, companies can’t borrow to stay afloat, and jobs will be lost in the process.

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The economic and political well-being of any democracy requires a well-educated citizenry. Brookings’s work has extended beyond the K-12 bookends to include pre-school interventions and issues in higher education. Experts are tackling fundamental issues on the role of education in the national and global economy.

ExpertAlice M. Rivlin

Alice Rivlin, the first director of the Congressional Budget Office, is an expert on urban issues as well as fiscal, monetary and social policy. She directs the Greater Washington Research project. 

ExpertSarah A. Binder

Sarah Binder is an expert on Congress and legislative politics.  She is completing a project on the politics of advice and consent, and is at work on the politics of how Congress responds to financial crises.

ExpertRebecca Blank

Rebecca Blank is an expert on the interaction between the macroeconomy, government anti-poverty programs, and the behavior and well being of low-income families. She has just been named the Robert S. Kerr senior fellow at Brookings.

Policy CenterEngelberg Center for Health Care Reform

The Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform provides practical solutions to achieve high-quality, innovative, affordable health care with particular emphasis on identifying opportunities on the national, state and local levels.

ExpertMauricio Cárdenas

Mauricio Cárdenas is a senior fellow and director of the Latin American Initiative. Formerly minister of Economic Development and Transportation, and director of National Planning of Colombia, his research focuses on international and development economics. He is also the president of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA).

ExpertMartin S. Indyk

Ambassador to Israel and assistant secretary of state for near east affairs during the Clinton Administration, Martin Indyk directs the Saban Center for Middle East Policy. He currently focuses on the Clinton administration’s diplomacy and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

ExpertJulia B. Isaacs

Julia Isaacs focuses on public investments in children and how children are affected by national budgetary policies. A former federal budget analyst, she also researches the economic mobility of children and families across the income spectrum.

ExpertSuzanne Maloney

Suzanne Maloney studies Iran, the political economy of the Persian Gulf and Middle East energy policy. A former U.S. State Department policy advisor, she has also counseled private companies on Middle East issues.

ExpertMark B. McClellan

A medical doctor and economist, Mark McClellan works on promoting high-quality, innovative and affordable health care. Once commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Dr. McClellan now directs the Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform.

ProgramGovernance Studies

Governance Studies explores political institutions of the United States and other democracies to assess how they govern, how their practices compare and how citizens and public servants can advance sound governance.

Research ProjectThe Hamilton Project

The Hamilton Project produces research and policy proposals on how to create a growing economy that benefits more Americans. Their agenda also focuses on enhancing individual economic security and effective public investments. 

Research ProjectLatin America Initiative

The Latin America Initiative provides high-quality, in-depth, and independent research across a range of economic and political issues, and offers policy recommendations aimed at U.S. and Latin American policymakers.

TOPICThe Presidential Transition

During the 77 days from the election to the Inauguration, Brookings experts will offer 12 "Memos to the President" on top policy priorities across the spectrum of domestic and global challenges, plus additional advice on transitioning from campaigning to governing.

ExpertEswar Prasad

Eswar Prasad, the Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy at Cornell University, is a senior fellow in Global Economy and Development. He was previously head of the Financial Studies Division and the China Division at the IMF.

ExpertHugh B. Price

Former president and chief executive officer of the National Urban League, Hugh Price is an expert on education, civil rights, equal opportunity and criminal justice. His 40-year career spans journalism, philanthropy, the law, and social advocacy.

ExpertDarrell M. West

Darrell M. West is the vice president and director of Governance Studies at Brookings. His studies include campaigns and elections, political advertising, mass media, public opinion, technology policy and electronic government.