March 9, 2005

Contact: Rob Sawicki
Phone: 202.224.4041

Lieberman Votes Against Bush’s Clear Skies Bill

Senator disappointed EPW could not reach agreement on bill improvements

WASHINGTON - Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT) today voted against what he considered to be an inadequate proposal by the Bush Administration to address air pollution and expressed disappointment that he and his colleagues were unable to reach agreement on what he considered to be necessary improvements to Bush’s Clear Skies proposal. After delaying a vote three times, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today defeated the president’s proposal by a vote of 9 to 9.

“The Bush Administration’s proposal falls far short of what is needed, what is achievable, what is cost-effective and what makes good common sense. To vote for the president’s Clear Skies proposal would have been a clear mistake,” Lieberman said. “I am disappointed that we failed to find a way to truly clean up the air and address global warming, but I hope that goal will extend beyond this failed bill.”


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