December 24, 2003

Contact: Rob Sawicki
Phone: 202.224.4041

Lieberman Criticizes Stealth Bush Decision to
Open Tongass National Forrest to Logging

Says holiday environmental rollback is another ‘gift to special interest’

WASHINGTON - Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT) today issued the following statement criticizing the Bush Administration’s decision to exempt Alaska's Tongass National Forest from the protections of the “Roadless Rule,” which will open up the lands to logging and other development.

“By opening up the Tongass National Forest for the timber industry to harvest, the Bush Administration is continuing its tiresome Holiday tradition of giving gifts to special interests, while they think no one is paying attention. This decision threatens to destroy the crown jewel of the National Forest system and its many delicate ecosystems.

“Recently, public pressure has been successful in forcing this Administration to reverse some of its more destructive anti-environmental decisions such as backing down from its declared intent to rollback federal protection of wetlands. We must continue to stand up for the protection of our public lands to let this Administration know we will not stand for it siding with special interests over the environment.”


Senator Joe Lieberman's Homepage