March 1, 2000

Contact: Rob Sawicki
Phone: 202.224.4041

Stamford Receives Nearly $1 Million to Ease Traffic Congestion

Urban Transitway Will Encourage Public Transit, Expand Commuter Parking

Washington, D.C. - Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Lieberman, both D-Conn., and Representative Christopher Shays, R-4th, today announced the city of Stamford will receive $992,500 in federal funds to help construct the Stamford Urban Transitway Project. The project will improve access to the Stamford Transportation Center, currently undergoing major renovations. “These funds are helping to keep Stamford on the fast track to even greater success and a better quality of life,” Dodd said. “Not only is efficient transportation a vital component in attracting new jobs for the city's residents, but it will also encourage public transit and car-pooling, which in turn will reduce pollution and make the city a cleaner and healthier place to live.”

“Getting in and out of Stamford just got a whole lot easier,” Lieberman said. “This funding will ease traffic congestion and cut down on travel times, while encouraging modes of transportation such as car-pooling and busing that cut down on toxic emissions and make for cleaner air. I am heartened that the Stamford Transportation Center has found a way to help commuters as well as the environment.”

“To affect the commuter culture in lower Fairfield County, we need to make rail travel more attractive and more accessible,” Shays said. “The Stamford Urban Transitway Project will make this goal a reality and make it easier for interstate travelers and commuters in the Stamford region to take full advantage of improvements to the Stamford Transportation Center.”

Today's funds will be applied toward the construction of a bus and high occupancy vehicle lane with direct access into the Stamford Transportation Center. Renovations to the transportation center include expanded commuter parking and facilities to accommodate high-speed rail service. The Stamford Urban Transitway Project is part of a multimillion dollar plan to improve transportation services, ease traffic congestion and foster public transit in the city.

Funding was awarded through the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Administration.

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