June 14, 2002

Contact: Rob Sawicki
Phone: 202.224.4041

Lieberman Asks FERC to Respect Moratorium on Cross-Sound Lines

Urges agency to consider cumulative impact of pending projects

WASHINGTON - Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT) today urged the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to respect Connecticut's one-year moratorium on the placement of new power cables across Long Island Sound, which the state adopted earlier this year. Lieberman also urged FERC to consider the cumulative environmental impact of the pending applications to install cross-sound gas pipelines, rather than the individual impact of each project.

"The Long Island Sound is a unique and irreplaceable natural resource to the people of the State of Connecticut, and many of my constituents have contacted me regarding their strong concerns over the impact these lines might have on the Sound," Lieberman wrote FERC Chairman Pat Wood today.

Though Connecticut adopted the moratorium earlier this year, any project to construct new gas lines across the Sound must receive federal permit approval from FERC. Two such proposals are currently pending: one from Islander East L.L.C and one by Iroquois Gas Transmission Systems. Rather than consider the impacts of each proposal individually, Lieberman urged Wood to "consider these projects in concert" to determine the cumulative adverse effects of new lines.

Lieberman's letter to FERC is below.

June 14, 2002

The Honorable Pat Wood Chairman Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426

Dear Chairman Wood:

I am writing with regard to several applications to install natural gas pipelines and electric transmission lines across Long Island Sound that are currently pending before you. The Long Island Sound is a unique and irreplaceable natural resource to the people of the State of Connecticut, and many of my constituents have contacted me regarding their strong concerns over the impact these lines might have on the Sound.

The citizens' concerns also recently have resulted in the passage of a one-year moratorium on the construction and/or installation of transmission cables, including those under the Long Island Sound. In addition, during the one-year moratorium, Connecticut will also conduct a study of the region's energy situation so that the State can develop a comprehensive plan that will balance its environmental concerns with energy reliability. At a minimum, I request that you respect this bipartisan moratorium and defer any decisions on the issuance of permits of necessity until after the one-year moratorium has expired.

In addition, when you consider these and other projects in Connecticut, I request that you consider the cumulative impact of all of the projects. To often, projects are approved without any thought of the synergistic adverse effects that may result from other nearby projects. In particular, I understand that there are currently two proposals for the installation of natural gas pipelines across the Long Island Sound: one by Islander East L.L.C. and one by Iroquois Gas Transmission Systems. Please consider these projects in concert with each other so that you may determine which plan would cause the least amount of adverse impacts on the State of Connecticut.

If you have any questions or concerns about this request, please contact Tim Profeta with my staff at 202/224-5016. Thank you for your attention to this very important issue.

Sincerely, Senator Joe Lieberman

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