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Lee's Legislation

Legislation :: June 28, 2007
Teachers at the Table Act

Rep. Lee Terry and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy

The "Teachers at the Table" Act would create an advisory committee composed of former Teachers of the Year to advise Congress on the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act, and also to serve as a communication avenue between Congress and teachers. This legislation will increase understanding and conversation between Congress and our nation’s very best educators to reach our mutual goals of leaving no child behind in American education. The U.S. Secretary of Education could choose either one Teacher of the Year from each state to serve on the committee, or up to 15 Teachers of the Year representing various geographic, grade level and specialty areas. This legislation will also help Congress receive greater local input and perspective on the implementation of the federal No Child Left Behind education law.

Click here to read the full text of the legislation.

                      CONGRESSMAN LEE TERRY'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE.                        
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Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
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