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Individual Sections or Chapters of the Handbook
Federal Depository Library Handbook individual sections or chapters extracted from the "Complete Version of the Handbook".

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The Handbook was devised to inform depository staff of, and to help them understand, the FDLP requirements are found in Title 44, United States Code, Chapter 19 and those prescribed by the GPO.
Helpful descriptions for understanding the Handbook and how to use it.
Cover matter and Preface to the Federal Depository Library Handbook.
Describes the physical facilities required for tangible depository materials, the equipment needed for accessing the collection, proper handling of the depository materials, and housing arrangements for offsite storage or selective housing agreements
Explains preservation policy and encourages a written preservation policy, recommends establishing preservation priorities, defines and identifies rare and endangered publications, suggests preservation review and preservation processes, and includes additional preservation resources at the end of the chapter
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