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eBilling Options
Picture of a mailman, a hand writing a check, a keyboard After your meter is read we'll send you an email with a link to your billing information. No more paper, no more trips to the mailbox.
bulletEconomic Development bulletBuilders and Electricians
Picture of community At PSNH, we've served most of the businesses and communities in the state every minute of every day for three-quarters of a century. Picture of a contractor looking at a plan Thinking of expanding or remodeling your place of business? Check out our information for Builders and Electricians, and learn how to energize the new addition in accordance with PSNH and town specifications.
bulletPower Outages bulletPSNH Safety Center
Picture of linemen Report a downed power line, a street light outage,
or a power outage at your facility. Be prepared for the next big storm - and, check out our generator safety tips.
Picture of man in hardhat Although extremely useful, electricity can also be deadly if you don't know how to use it, or be around it, safely. Visit the PSNH Safety Center, and discover tips that could save your life.
bulletSingle Direct Debit
Picture of a couple paying their bill online Schedule a payment from your account as often as you wish, select the amount and payment date up to 30 days in advance.
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