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 Your Account 

Manage Account

  • After your meter is read each month, PSNH will send you an email containing a link which can be used to view your bill
  • A paper copy of the bill will no longer be sent
  • Learn More
Mailing Address
  • Update mailing address on your account
Phone Number
  • Update phone numbers on your account
Email Address
  • Update email address on your account
  • Update your password
Secret Question
  • Update your secret question
Energy Calculator
  • Estimate the monthly operating cost of electrical items, electric water heating, electric heating, and air conditioning in your home
  • Determine air conditioning BTUs needed by size of area to be cooled
Add Account
  • Add account numbers in your User Profile in order to manage, view, and/or pay your bills online
List of Accounts
  • Remove account numbers or update nicknames in your User Profile