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Home Energy Solutions

For PSNH customers with 30 percent or more of permanently installed electric heat and with demonstrated usage, PSNH offers the Home Energy Solutions Program.

Under this program, PSNH can help you with your home's energy efficiency through improvements such as insulation, air sealing, thermostat replacement, electric hot water conservation measures, and cost effective appliance and lighting upgrades. You'll see long-term savings in your electric bill and PSNH will help fund these improvements up to $4,000 for qualified energy-efficiency measures.

If you participate in the Home Energy Solutions Program, you will also receive tailored educational reports to help you understand your home as a system and the factors that affect energy use. A home energy rating will be produced. This 'miles per gallon' rating compares your existing energy efficiency to a nationally recognized baseline.

To obtain more information about this program, contact PSNH Customer Service at 1-800-662-7764, or provide your name and address information on this online form and information about the program will be mailed to you.

More information about this program is available in our Home Energy Solutions Program Brochure or our Energy Savers Booklet (en Espanola).

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