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Frequently Asked Questions - New Construction

How do I request electric service?
Your first step is to fill out our New Construction Service Request form online, or contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-662-PSNH (7764). Our service representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can assign your project a work request number by asking you some basic questions about your project.
If you need more technical information, or you require additional details, you can be transferred to our New Service Desk technicians, available Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. at 1-800-362-PSNH. Either way, they'll be in touch with you soon for more detailed information regarding your project.

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How much will it cost me to get electric service?
In order to provide you with an accurate estimate we would have to visit the site. Generally the first 300 feet of overhead lines are provided at no charge. Single phase overhead lines beyond 300 feet cost approximately $5 per foot on private property, or 8 cents per foot, per month, for 60 months along a public road. Underground lines are generally more expensive, and our field representatives would have to visit the site in order to provide you with a cost estimate. It is also important to note that you will be responsible for the trenching and conduit necessary for underground lines.

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Who else do I need to contact?
Once you've chosen your telephone service provider, you'll want to contact them as soon as possible. Other utilities (such as cable TV, water, sewer and gas companies) will need to be informed of your plans, also. Many cities and towns in New Hampshire require electrical inspections for installations.

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Where can I pick up a meter socket?
You can make arrangements to pick up a meter socket at any of our area work center locations, or ask our field representatives to bring one out with them when they visit your site. A work request number is required to obtain a meter socket at any of our locations.

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Where can I get information on your requirements?
The field representative handling your job will be able to answer most of your questions. Additionally, our construction specifications can be viewed online, and our New Service Desk technicians are available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. to answer any further questions you may have. 1-800-362-PSNH

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What information do I need when I call?
In addition to your name, address, and telephone number, our Customer Service Representative will ask for your electrician or contractor's name, and who the primary contact person will be for the job. Our New Service Desk technicians will ask for more technical information, such as the size of your new construction project, the size of your electrical load (will it include central air conditioning, or large motors, etc.), and how far your job site is from the nearest electric lines. This information is then passed along to our field representatives so that they can design your project with your requirements in mind.

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When will I be contacted?
Once our Customer Service Representatives have assigned your project a work request number, our field representatives will generally attempt to contact you within two working days. In most instances our field representative will be able to design the job without meeting with you directly, but in some cases it may be necessary to meet with you on site.

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Who can I contact in the local office?
Our field representatives should be considered your primary contact person, and once they have contacted you they will provide you with a telephone number where they can be reached. If your field representative is unavailable, or you have not yet been contacted by one, you can call our New Service Desk technicians, who can answer most of your questions and provide you with up-to-date schedule information. 1-800-362-PSNH

If you didn’t find an answer to your question, feel free to submit it here or contact us directly.

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