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Discounts To Affiliates

Discounts, Rebates, or Other Waivers Provided to PSNH's Competitive Energy Affiliates

PSNH does not discriminate in offering discounts, rebates or other waivers to electricity suppliers serving the same market. If we are offering any such arrangements to our affiliates, we hereby simultaneously offer the same to any electricity supplier.

Listed below are such offers (if any) PSNH is making to its affiliates, along with an indication of the cost differential.

Role in
Rate Charged/
Maximum Rate
Time Period Quantities
Delivery Points Conditions Contact

Should PSNH grant a discount, rebate, or other waiver to a competitive energy affiliate, a non-affiliated energy supplier interested in requesting a comparable offer can contact the following PSNH representative by mail, the Internet, or telephone:

Public Service of New Hampshire
Attn: Mr. Stephen R. Hall, Rate and Regulatory Services Manager
780 North Commercial
Manchester, NH 03101
E-Mail: hallsr@psnh.com
Business telephone: (603) 634-2701

This page is intended to provide notice to all non-affiliated energy suppliers of any discount for regulated utility services provided by a distribution company to its own competitive energy affiliate so that all non-affiliated energy suppliers may avail themselves of any such discount; and
The page also is intended to indicate that a distribution company's competitive energy affiliate has no preferential access to services.

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