Featured Stories
Reid Hosts Blue Ribbon Panel On Renewable Energy

Reid Hosts Blue Ribbon Panel On Renewable Energy
December 17, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid joined leaders from government, industry, science and labor for the first of a series of important panel discussions about the future of renewable energy in the Silver State and throughout the country. The panel talked about setting energy priorities at the local, state, and federal levels and about Nevada’s role as the leader in a clean energy revolution.

The Importance of Auto Legislation To Nevada

The Importance of Auto Legislation To Nevada
December 11, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid addressed the urgent need to pass legislation this week that would aid the declining auto industry and maintain thousands of jobs. With news that gaming wins in Nevada are down more than 22 percent — due in large part to rising unemployment and decreased consumer confidence — the Congress needs to act on behalf of Nevadans and all Americans.

Nevada School Selected For Presidential Inauguration Parade

Nevada School Selected For Presidential Inauguration Parade
December 8, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid congratulated Green Valley High School’s marching band for being selected to march in President-elect Barack Obama’s historic inaugural parade on January 20, 2009.

Reid Urges For Immediate Action To Help America's Economy

Reid Urges For Immediate Action To Help America’s Economy
December 5, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid called for swift, smart and bipartisan action this week after the Labor Department announced 533,000 Americans lost their jobs in November, marking the largest single-month drop since 1974 and raising unemployment to 6.7 percent. “With more than 10 million workers already unemployed and experts predicting that number could climb to 10 percent of all Americans, Congress has an obligation to keep this dangerous situation from getting worse. Inaction is not an option,” said Reid.

Reid Headlines A Clean Energy Roundtable

Reid Headlines A Clean Energy Roundtable
December 2, 2008 - This week Nevada Senator Harry Reid headlined a roundtable entitled "The New Revolution: America's Clean Energy Future" hosted by the Third Way. The roundtable discussion brought together a broad range of business, labor and other players in the energy debate. Reid talked about the great opportunity the incoming Congress and Administration have to champion clean energy initiatives by building on the passage of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which called for increases in vehicle fuel efficiency, alternative fuels production and programs to increase efficiency of the lights, appliances and office buildings.

Reid Marks The 20th Anniversary Of World AIDS Day

Reid Marks The 20th Anniversary Of World AIDS Day
December 1, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid released a statement in recognition of World AIDS Day this week. "So often in the discussion of AIDS, we focus on faceless statistics. But today, in recognition of World AIDS Day, please remember that those who are infected with or affected by AIDS are real people. They are real couples, real families, and real communities right here in Nevada. As we quickly approach the year 2009, AIDS remains a global killer that surpasses lines of race, ethnicity, gender, age, and income. It is a vicious disease, but it can be prevented and it can be treated. With funding, research, education, and dedication to the cause, I remain confident that we can find a cure.

Reid Focuses On Rising Food Costs In Nevada

Reid Focuses On Rising Food Costs In Nevada
November 25, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid visited the Three Square Food Bank in Las Vegas this week where he discussed the impact of rising food costs in Nevada. During his tour of the facility Reid discussed the growing number of Nevadans who are turning to food banks for help and what the Farm Bill passed by Congress earlier this year means for organizations addressing the challenges of hunger.

Reid Re-Elected As Majority Leader

Reid Re-Elected As Majority Leader
November 18, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid was re-elected as Senate Majority Leader this week by his colleagues in the Democratic caucus. As Majority Leader, Senator Reid will continue to set the legislative agenda for the Senate while working to chart a new course for our country. This allows Reid to do things for Nevada that no one else can. During this session of Congress, Reid has utilized his position to stop Yucca Mountain, bring hundreds of millions of dollars to Nevada military and transportation projects, and position the Silver State to be the world leader in renewable energy.

Reid Working To Push A Comprehensive Economic Plan

Reid Working To Push A Comprehensive Economic Plan
November 17, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid urged Congress this week to work in a bipartisan fashion to address the needs of struggling Nevada families. Senator Reid is working on a comprehensive economic stimulus plan that will invest in infrastructure to create jobs, extend unemployment insurances for those who are out of work, provide food stamps to help more struggling families make ends meet, provide state fiscal relief to prevent states from being forced to cut services and raise taxes, and provide aid to the ailing U.S. auto industry.

American Flag

Reid Honors Nevada's Veterans
November 11, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid joined all Nevadans this week in honoring the service and sacrifice of the Silver State's veterans, as well as those throughout the world. "Since our country's founding, our men and women in uniform have offered their lives to protect our nation and our freedom. And as we remember those who have served, let us pause to honor and thank those who are currently serving," said Reid.

A Mandate For Change

A Mandate For Change
November 6, 2008 - The American people have spoken and they have demanded change. On Tuesday night Nevada Senator Harry Reid offered his congratulations to the President-elect of the United States, Barack Obama, and welcomed the new members who were elected to Congress. “We welcome these new perspectives and new energy to the job of passing legislation that benefits Nevada and the nation,” said Reid.

Reid Working To Help Nevada Families Affected By Foreclosure

Reid Working To Help Nevada Families Affected By Foreclosure
October 23, 2008 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid joined Las Vegas Mayor Oscar B. Goodman, Las Vegas City Councilman Steven D. Ross and other officials this week to tour a northwest Las Vegas neighborhood that could receive major assistance fighting the foreclosure crisis through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Created through the housing legislation recently passed by Congress and signed by the President, the program gives tools to fight the negative effects of foreclosures on neighborhoods to cities, counties and states.


Bruce R. Thompson
Courthouse & Federal Bldg
400 S. Virginia St, Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: 775-686-5750
Fax: 775-686-5757

Washington DC

528 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542
Fax: 202-224-7327
Toll Free for Nevadans:
1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343)

Carson City

600 East William St, #302
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-882-REID (7343)
Fax: 775-883-1980

Las Vegas

Lloyd D. George Building
333 Las Vegas Boulevard
South, Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020
Fax: 702-388-5030

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