News Item

Contact: Annie Boehnke (202) 225 - 1640

Bill would require a feasibility analysis to consider high-speed rail in South Texas

Washington, Jun 10, 2008 -

U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar successfully passed an amendment today to mandate a feasibility study to expand high-speed rail to South Texas. The amendment was included in H.R. 6003, The Passenger Rail Improvement Act of 2008, which invests in the safety and improvement of our nation’s passenger rail infrastructure.


By a vote of 311 to104, the House passed H.R. 6003, which would modernize and expand Amtrak and other intercity passenger rail services and infrastructure. Congressman Cuellar’s amendment would require the Secretary of Transportation to conduct an analysis regarding a southern expansion of the South Central High-Speed Rail Corridor which now terminates in San Antonio.


“Laredo has been identified as the fastest growing city in Texas and the second-fastest growing city in the United States,” Congressman Cuellar said, “Additionally, the population of the four counties of the Rio Grande Valley is larger than that of nine states and is projected to double in the next two decades. The combination of the region’s geographic distance from major cities like San Antonio and the high price of gasoline impacts the mobility of our residents. The region’s rapid growth demands the attention of Washington for thoughtful and precocious transportation planning to accommodate its citizens.”


The study would evaluate anticipated patterns of population growth and the potential of high-speed rail to reduce traffic congestion. Following the study, the Secretary of Transportation would submit recommendations to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and to the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation of the Senate. If deemed necessary, the Secretary of Transportation would designate the South Texas corridor to accommodate high-speed rail.




Congressman Henry Cuellar is a member of the House Homeland Security, Small Business, and Agriculture Committees in the 110th Congress.  Accessibility to constituents, education, health care and economic development are his priorities. Congressman Cuellar is also a Senior Whip.

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