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Service Academy Nominations

Each year I have the privilege of nominating young men and women for admission to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, the U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point.

Candidates interested in seeking a nomination from my office to one of these academies must request a copy of my application packet in addition to applying directly to the Academy's Admissions office. I encourage you to contact other nominating sources, such as your U.S. Senators, be certain to confirm their deadlines and application requirements as procedures may differ between offices.

The U.S. Coast Guard Academy manages its own selection process based on a nationwide merit-based competitive process. No congressional nominations are required. All applicants must apply directly to the Coast Guard Academy's Admissions office. For further information, visit their website at http://www.cga.edu

Basic Requirements For Service Academy Eligibility
Must be at least 17, but not yet 23 years-of-age by July 1st of year of admission to the academy
Must be a citizen of the United States
Must be unmarried
Cannot be pregnant or have legal obligation to support a child or other dependents
Must meet the medical, physical, and academic requirements of the Academy
Nomination Process and Requirements
My selection process consists of several factors, including the completion of my nomination application packet, and an interview before my Service Academy Advisory Board. In choosing nominees, I will consider:

Academics: Official transcript, grade point average, SAT and ACT scores, class rank, etc.
Leadership experience and ability: Applicant must complete a three-page application form, indicating information on extra-curricular activities. Examples include work, church, school government, and youth or civic organizations.
Motivation and writing skills: Acceptance to an Academy is a highly desired goal. To gauge each applicant's determination and goals, an essay of 300 words must be submitted on the topic of "Why I want to attend the (name) Academy."
A minimum of three letters of recommendation, one of which must be from your high school Guidance Counselor or Principal, to be included in your application packet.
An interview before my service academy selection board. Interviews take place in December.
Residency: Candidates must be domiciled in Texas' 28th Congressional District.
Optional: Candidates are encouraged to attach a list of honors, awards, activities, achievements, resume, photograph or any other information you feel is pertinent to your application.

Please contact loretta.kerner@mail.house.gov in my office to request a nomination application packet, and for the specific requirements for submitting the information above.

Request an Application
My nomination application period opens May 15th of each year for those candidates who are high school juniors as of that date and will be seniors the following year, or who have already graduated.

The application deadline will be October 31st.

Offers of Appointment
The admissions departments of the academies will make the final decision on which candidates will be offered admission. Offers of Appointment are announced on a rolling basis. The Academies will notify most candidates of their final status by April.

If you are not selected, you are welcome to reapply the following year. Many applicants succeed after an additional year of preparation.

Good Luck!

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