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12/23/2008 Chairman Waxman’s Uranium Probe Ignored and Distorted Critical Evidence
12/10/2008 Rep. Issa Named Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Republican Member
12/9/2008 GOP Staff: Fannie, Freddie at heart of meltdown
12/9/2008 Additional Views: Executive Privilege Appropriate; Valerie Plame May Have Misled the Committee
12/8/2008 Collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Hearing- Republican Briefing Memo
11/13/2008 Davis Statement on "Hedge Funds and the Financial Market”
11/6/2008 Davis: First Stop for Obama Should Be GAO’s ‘Urgent Issues’ List
10/30/2008 Davis, Moran Urge OPM to Extend Window for Election Day Leave
10/28/2008 Republicans Call for Hearing on Lobbying and Advocacy Efforts by Government Sponsored Entities
10/23/2008 Davis Statement on "The Financial Crisis and the Role of Federal Regulators”
10/22/2008 Davis Statement on “Credit Rating Agencies and the Financial Crisis”
10/15/2008 Davis: Majority’s Report on WH Political Office ‘Is Itself Hopelessly Political’
10/14/2008 Davis: Proposed Reports Let Executive Privilege Claims Stand
10/7/2008 Davis and Shays Statements on "The Causes and Effects of the AIG Bailout"
10/6/2008 Examining the Causes of the Credit Crisis of 2008 Minority Staff Analysis
10/6/2008 Davis Statement on the The Causes and Effects of the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy
10/6/2008 Davis, Shays, Mica Request Hearing On Fannie, Freddie roles in Financial Crisis
10/5/2008 Davis Calls for Wider Probe of Economic Crisis
10/1/2008 Critical Metro Funding Legislation Wins Final Approval in Senate
9/29/2008 Davis’ Metro Funding Legislation Clears Key Hurdle in Senate
9/29/2008 Davis Hails Decision on Relocation
9/27/2008 Davis Applauds Passage of Funding for BRAC-Related Projects in Area
9/26/2008 Davis, Issa Rap Speaker, CAO for Carbon Offsets Mistakes
9/22/2008 Practices to Prevent Hospital-Associated Bloodstream Infections Report
9/17/2008 Davis, Committee Republicans Demand MMS Probe Continue
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